livefree: I never bought anything from them in the past and wondering in case I plan to buy something in the future. Can I buy from them at all or will I get blocked, if the payment goes through can I download from them? I assume the deals with steam codes I can just use the codes instead. Anyone from canada bought digital games from them before?
Coelocanth: Yes, ou can. I've bought several digital games from them. As Orcish says, just use a fake* US address, but the details on your credit card have to be legit. I haven't had any issues with the 6 games I've bought (all Steam titles, redeemed with the steam code provided by Amazon).
*edit* I should clarify that the US address must actually be a legit one (I just used a friend's address in Tacoma). But it's 'fake' from our standpoint. ;)
I forgot you were an Amazon patron or I wouldn't have suggested one of our European posters:)
Thanks for clarifying. A lot of people seem to have no problem with this. There is some question of what would happen if you needed support, though an issue with a key could probably be sorted out by email, an technical game issue might get you in a bind, dunno. With that said, I haven't heard a single complaint from anyone who's bought this way.