Posted December 19, 2012

Someone giving me money would most likely feel like these people very just trying to buy themselves a better mind - and ofcourse thats what it really is. Its -easy- to give money and then think "ive done my share", while in practice you havent really done anything at all. Nothing permanent anyway.
Kindness, politeness, smiles, seeing people in the eye as equals - all this is -free- and would make all of your lives far better, the givers and the recievers and just handing out cold hard cash.
Yet, making this kind of everyday goodwill a habit seems to be something like the worlds most difficult thing to do - ever wonder why?
Money in my mind is just about meaningless anyways - its far more trouble as the driving force of society than its really worth...but lets not go to politics and sosiology. That discussion is an endless swamp I dont have energy, time nor beer to dwell upon atm.
Anyhow, if we had real caring communities and a bit of respect for each other, this kind of school shooting stuff most likely wouldnt happen. Afterall, the shootings are mostly done by young men who have not felt like they were part of, well anything.
Not really suprising considering the world we are now daily creating is about me, my rights and my wants.
-> So hand out your money if you will, surely I am not going to claim that the victims families wouldnt have any bills to pay. Maybe money will make their daily life more painless - however what youre really doing is trying to ease symptoms. The symptom of disease called "World having way too little kindness in it".
Every 12 seconds a person dies in USA for one reason or the other. Also every year in USA some 15 000 people die because of crime and more than 33 000 commit suicide. Every single one of these deaths is tragedy for atleast someone.
I have no wish to disrespect anyone who lost a loved one in these most recent or any other shooting for that matter. But the cold fact is that alot of people are dying all the time and they are not being grieved nationally. I dont feel noble enough to pick one and start donating money while forgetting the others.
However, what I can do, what I try to do - is to be more kind and make the world that tiny bit more better.
If I was in the position where i could, I would like to do some volunteer work. For anyone with way too much free time and no hobbies, id suggest find give it a shot. Might change your look on life as well.