PoSSeSSeDCoW: By throwing money Activision, Ubisoft, and Strategy1st's way you're helping GOG by saying, look, GOG makes us money, so we might as well release all of our old games that way.
Plus, DRM free games is something to be encouraged. A boycott of everything a company produces is crude, but a boycott of their most egregious offensives and an anti-boycott of their DRM-free, reasonably priced and featured games, will actually contribute more to them changing their ways.
If Strategy First didn't declare bankruptcy whenever a developer asked about what happened to their pay check then I might still be naive enough to consider them redeemable. Many publishers need major changes, but no other needs to be utterly destroyed like this one.
Activision make too much money treating their customers like retards to pay too much attention to some small minority looking to make intelligent, informed purchasing decisions.
As for Ubisoft, they're bipolar. They swung from outright DRM-free to major DRM overkill in an instant. Now they're swinging back. But like Microsoft, you can't really trust whatever stance they adopt towards the PC to be a lasting one.