Couchtr26: Considering it as I have been curious on the Agriculture Simulator and Euro Truck Simulator. Some of the simulators have caught my eye as of late.
I bought that Agricultural one from GamersGate back when it first came out. Had to get a refund as it was unplayable. The game doesn't like certain screen resolutions and if you're stuck with such a resolution (such as 1280 x 1024) the game cannot be played (the on screen text is cut off, etc.).
Of course as only one game in this cheap bundle, it may be worth the risk. But if you're only interested in a couple of the games, you may simply want to wait for the Steam winter sale and just get the better similar titles.
Euro Truck Sim 1 is very poor in comparison to ETS2. It lacks certain basic features that ETS2 has (a decent map, with the ability to see both mirrors on screen at once, for example).
And Farming Simulator 2013 will provide you with the same experience as Agricultural Sim, but from a company who's products aren't as bug prone.