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The Siege of the Necromancer looks like something I might enjoy. Price is good compared to the tablet version. I'll probably buy it when the bundle drops to $1 and never play it. :)
keeveek: So, are there actually any RPGs in this bundle, or is it all pixelated graphics hack and slashes / roguelikes wannabes?
My personal impressions, given without any guarantees and knowledge. You should maybe wait for other postings, but here we go:
Oldskool-Clone: Inaria (Ultima); Telepath-RPG (dopdown, like LotR)
Storybook-RPG: Siege of the Necromancer; Wizard from Tarnath
J-RPG: Unemployed Quest
Card-based RPG: Northmark
Focus on battles: Frayed Knights, Call of Cthulhu
RPG-Strategy-Mix: Styrateg; Empires & Dungeons 2
Roguelikes: Dungeon Fray; Hack, Slash, Loot; Wizard's Lair-

Maybe not many rpgs like the Spiderweb games or Driftmoon, but In my eyes still a good mix.
Post edited September 17, 2013 by DukeNukemForever
Starmaker: Are the download page links (from the email) down for everyone or just me?
I have the same problem.
RaggieRags: The only game on this list I'm familiar with is Frayed Knights. Does anyone have any experience with any of the rest?
I'm a-frayed knought.

I'll let myself out.
spoderman: $5 for the BTA.. I'll wait and see if it gets lower. I'll probably end up waiting until they have a "happy hour" and grab the minimum tier for a dollar though.
Pemptus: Is that a confirmed thing that will happen?
Nah, hasn't been confirmed. It'll probably happen though, with how low the amount of sales the BIABs get. It happened for the last bundle.
Post edited September 17, 2013 by spoderman
I think regardless of the BTA tier games, the complete bundle is worth $4.80, so I'm going to raise the average for all of you, mwhahaha. :P
RaggieRags: The only game on this list I'm familiar with is Frayed Knights. Does anyone have any experience with any of the rest?
TheEnigmaticT: I'm a-frayed knought.

I'll let myself out.
Nice, but I think you mean I'll get me coat. :p

Post edited September 17, 2013 by jamsatle
Looks like a good mix for the price, even if I don't end up playing half the games. Only have the CoC title already, so this is light on repeats for me too.

Interesting that they throw in Droidscape: Basilica content into the mix, which is only good if you have the original game. But then that's a Kyttaro Games release, who are the folks behind this bundle. Disappointingly, the game has the word Droid in the title but is not available as an Android app. Hopefully they've got a version in the works, as it looks like it would be fun to try.
DukeNukemForever: Maybe not many rpgs like the Spiderweb games or Driftmoon, but In my eyes still a good mix.
Thanks for your reply. I shouldn't have judged books by their covers.
Is the Cthulhu game any good?
Looks like a good collection even if i play only 1 or 2 think it is worth the price.
Now I really wish I hadn't picked up Northmark at IGS.

Well, I guess I haven't learned my lesson as I just BTAd on the current Angvik one.
I have a few of these already but I'll probably pick it up.

For what it's worth, I thought Inaria's demo was pretty cool if incredibly short. It's a bit faster paced than most older-styled RPGs, given you only control one character but it's an interesting game nonetheless.

Frayed Knights is also great.
Starmaker: Are the download page links (from the email) down for everyone or just me?
PaterAlf: I have the same problem.
And me as well. :(
Novotnus: Is the Cthulhu game any good?
I've not gotten too far in it yet, but it has promise. Plays a bit like the original X-Com games, and you start off in a World War I trench. It's an atmospheric setup, hopefully it holds together when the Mythos starts rearing its tentacled head.

Certainly worth checking out in this bundle if you have any interest in the other titles as well.