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BundleBandits: What is it you are offering you say? If you look at it from a consumers perspective; we are just another reseller of
Steam keys yes. But we are working on something good here, something we are really really really passionate about. Something we dreamt of for years!
Just another Steam key reseller you say? That's very disappointing to be honest. If you are so passionate about indie games, than wouldn't it be more logic to support the talented developers who are not on Steam yet and promote their games instead?
BundleBandits: snip
We took some time to think of what we want to achieve and every time it comes back to: the developer.
There is so much talent out there and we feel not everybody is given a stage to
present themselves
. What we are looking for are quality games. We are looking for people who are as passionate about
games and developing them as we are.


What is it you are offering you say? If you look at it from a consumers perspective; we are just another reseller of
Steam keys
Welcome to the forum.
I don't mean to sound harsh, but for someone that took some time to think things over, don't you think that there's a contradiction between the two statements I highlighted?
If a game comes in the form of a Steam key, the dev has a stage to present themselves and a very prominent at that. If a dev doesn't have any stage to present themselves then their game can't already be on Steam, i.e. there's no Steam key for you to sell.
I'm having a hard time understanding how you're able to conciliate those two.

I can understand that from a business POV, targeting the Steam user base is your best shot to success, but it' doesn't look like putting the devs in the center of your endeavor as you state in the beginning of your post.
The charity is all well and fine and good for you to commit to support a "good cause", but it's nth groundbreaking in the bundle business scene.
On a personal note, it's never been a selling point for me as I prefer to choose the charities I support based on what cause is important to me personally over what's being promoted at a given time.

FWIW, if nth changes in your plans, for me it just means one less bundle site to keep an eye on as I don't support the promotion of the Steam business model, especially when it's done in such an exclusive manner.

I still wish you good luck.
Hello BundleBandits, welcome to the GOG world :)

Searching for some info about the new bundle service and the people behind I found this: :
"Do I need a third-party software to access products I purchased?

Yes, all of the products you purchase from Bundlebandits are Steam/Desura/ redeemable. To access these games you need to install Steam/Desura/ clients and register on them. These are free applications that you can download on their official websites. "

<GOG client???>

" ABOUT BundleBandits
Support charity and developers

Upcoming bundle site that supports charity and developers by launching indie games for a dollar. "


Seems to be one of the games (the only Windows game?) by the developer of the BundleBandits team.


Sorry, I hope I don't reveal a state secrete, wouldn't like to flee to Russia...
Bundle will launch on Dec 9th.
spoderman: Bundle will launch on Dec 9th.
Thanks for the heads-up, spoderman.
Yeah thanks, I too like to stay informend.
DProject: Yeah thanks, I too like to stay informend.
You should "add email te get news"! :D

So apparently the bundle won't just have steam keys, but desura keys as well, which is great news. A few repeats, but with a $1 price I'd say it's worth it.
7 games for a $1?. games cant be too crash hot. Just give me steam games that have cards (which i havent got) - so i can squeze a bit more cash into steam wallet :P
spoderman: Bundle will launch on Dec 9th.
Thank you Mr Bundle Expert :D
Post edited December 08, 2013 by nijuu
nijuu: 7 games for a $1?. games cant be too crash hot. Just give me steam games that have cards (which i havent got) - so i can squeze a bit more cash into steam wallet :P
spoderman: Bundle will launch on Dec 9th.
nijuu: Thank you Mr Bundle Expert :D
Dec 9th just started here.... ;p

eh... think I'll finally get that Puddle game...
Post edited December 08, 2013 by Stooner
jamyskis: Aside from Indie Gala to a limited extent, there are no other bundle sites have really managed to establish themselves because they do not offer anything that other bundle sites already do. Most of them offer only very poor quality games or games that have done the bundle rounds so often that people are sick of seeing them. All the bundle sites I listed above survive because they have a USP. is quite established and has put out a lot of great quality bundles in the last year IMHO. I've bought 12 bundles from them in the last year altogether, which is more than I've bought from all other bundle sites combined. :) They just opened up a storefront as well and revamped their website this last week. If anyone hasn't already discovered them, I highly recommend adding them near the top of your bundle sites bookmark folder as they're very good.
Updated the OP with the games. Good bundle for a dollar, I'll buy it.. although I'm mostly interested in Puddle.
skeletonbow: is quite established and has put out a lot of great quality bundles in the last year IMHO. I've bought 12 bundles from them in the last year altogether, which is more than I've bought from all other bundle sites combined. :) They just opened up a storefront as well and revamped their website this last week. If anyone hasn't already discovered them, I highly recommend adding them near the top of your bundle sites bookmark folder as they're very good.
I wouldn't really call Bundle Stars established at all. They're essentially a Steam key repeddler owned by Focus Home Interactive. They do have some very decent deals, but unfortunately they only offer Steam keys and a lot of those games are repeats from previous bundles or very poor quality shovelware. The lack of much media coverage indicates that there hasn't been much in the way of purchases, and I find it curious that they don't have an on-site sales counter like most bundle sites do.

Personally I've only bought three bundles from them since they started, and that has usually been on the basis of two or three games each. I've never really had any other compelling reason to buy from them.
spoderman: Updated the OP with the games. Good bundle for a dollar, I'll buy it.. although I'm mostly interested in Puddle.
Only interested in Puddle too...

Also, in their FAQ, it says Steam OR Desura keys, not both. Just an addendum.
Don't think they'll make a lot of friends with that...
Post edited December 09, 2013 by Stooner
skeletonbow: is quite established and has put out a lot of great quality bundles in the last year IMHO. I've bought 12 bundles from them in the last year altogether, which is more than I've bought from all other bundle sites combined. :) They just opened up a storefront as well and revamped their website this last week. If anyone hasn't already discovered them, I highly recommend adding them near the top of your bundle sites bookmark folder as they're very good.
jamyskis: I wouldn't really call Bundle Stars established at all. They're essentially a Steam key repeddler owned by Focus Home Interactive. They do have some very decent deals, but unfortunately they only offer Steam keys and a lot of those games are repeats from previous bundles or very poor quality shovelware. The lack of much media coverage indicates that there hasn't been much in the way of purchases, and I find it curious that they don't have an on-site sales counter like most bundle sites do.

Personally I've only bought three bundles from them since they started, and that has usually been on the basis of two or three games each. I've never really had any other compelling reason to buy from them.
All I care about is whether a bundle site provides games that I'm interested in for a price that I think gives value to me for what I receive, and bundlestars did that 12 times in the last 12 months for me. I've also bought from Humble, Groupees, Indie Gala, and Flyingbundle and others too, but bundlestars has had the most bundles I care about.

Everyone has different tastes in games, there is no right or wrong. I prefer DRM-free games but there are not very many bundles that are DRM-free entirely and those that are out there are often not games I'm terribly interested in. If a game is only available on Steam and I want it, and it appears in a bundle somewhere with other games that I want which are only available on Steam also, then it's a deal for me personally. The games they've offered have been much more up my alley than a lot of the stuff offered by other bundle sites.

I'm not big on low budget indie games personally, and not overly fond of platformer games (Trine being a notable exception). I like games with more depth generally and which are more well known, even if they are older, but there have been some great newer titles appear as well. This isn't to say that I think every game in every bundle is awesome mind you. If I'm paying $4.50 for a bundle and it has at least 2 or 3 games that I think look really good or that I know I already want for some time, then that's an excellent price even if the other 8 games are total garbage (and can be traded on the GOG Classified's thread at a later date).

Indieroyale for example I monitor and I almost never find any of the games interesting. That doesn't mean they're bad games in any way, they're either a genre that doesn't excite me personally, or for some other reason just not my thing. I find bundlestars tends to have more established titles than a lot of the other sites, and I find that personally appealing.

What is good, is that there are numerous bundle sites that cater to different tastes and that gives us all a lot of choice. If I limited my purchases to bundles that do not provide Steam games, I'd probably never buy any bundles as the ones that offer non-Steam games - none of the games excite me. That's not right or wrong, it's just individual taste.
spoderman: Updated the OP with the games. Good bundle for a dollar, I'll buy it.. although I'm mostly interested in Puddle.
Stooner: Only interested in Puddle too...

Also, in their FAQ, it says Steam OR Desura keys, not both. Just an addendum.
Don't think they'll make a lot of friends with that...
I wonder how this is going to affect keys for games that are on greenlight, and later get greenlit? I personally don't mind not getting BOTH Desura and Steam keys, but I do mind it if we don't get Steam keys after a game has been greenlit.
Post edited December 09, 2013 by spoderman