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:) The website is still in development, no payment can be made yet.
We need to test everything before we can go live!
BundleBandits: :) The website is still in development, no payment can be made yet.
We need to test everything before we can go live!
But how can you test payments if we can't make 50000$ payments for nothing? Paypal's sandbox is pretty damn wonky sometimes.
Profesionals are working on this website now, they have made many website with webshops and payment settings. I believe it will just turn out fine once they are done.
Does ewjlijgrg or regregergrtrttttttttertrrt come with a Steam key?
Sweet! Can't wait for this bundle to go live. I''ve wanted the game "ewjlijgrg" for SO LONG! Hurry up Bandits!
edit: ninjaed by the spoder....
Post edited November 29, 2013 by DProject
What this bundle needs is to add games of the level of "Title of Game. a Bit Longer", where you do stuff and things like that. I'd totally buy that.
P1na: What this bundle needs is to add games of the level of "Title of Game. a Bit Longer", where you do stuff and things like that. I'd totally buy that.
Well hey, we mustn't be too picky. For an amazing price of $0.00, we can't expect Skyrim-like epicness yet.
BundleBandits: Profesionals are working on this website now, they have made many website with webshops and payment settings. I believe it will just turn out fine once they are done.
you might want to hide the site to the public until you're done, easiest would probably be stuff like or something on those lines. I personally see nothing wrong with leaving it up and having a bit of good intended fun with the site, it might acutally serve as publicity. Just bringing it up because I know my boss would be pretty pissed with me if clients were looking at our new sites without them being finished.
DProject: Well hey, we mustn't be too picky. For an amazing price of $0.00, we can't expect Skyrim-like epicness yet.
But it was 56500.00$. For that price, doing stuff is the least I would expect. But yeah, things like that may be asking too much, I'll give you that.
Post edited November 29, 2013 by P1na
Oh nice, they added another game "Test game". I wonder if this is a simulation of the life of a game tester, that'd be pretty interesting. I'm not sure if there's enough time for everyone to buy this though...the counter is ticking away so fast. Only 54 days left on this amazing deal...
BundleBandits: Profesionals are working on this website now, they have made many website with webshops and payment settings. I believe it will just turn out fine once they are done.
P1na: you might want to hide the site to the public until you're done, easiest would probably be stuff like or something on those lines. I personally see nothing wrong with leaving it up and having a bit of good intended fun with the site, it might acutally serve as publicity. Just bringing it up because I know my boss would be pretty pissed with me if clients were looking at our new sites without them being finished.
Thank you for your advice P1na,
The website was finished but some of it's functions were gone after moving it from the database to it's original destination. the website will be locked somewhere today.
Well I guess the sausage was right!
BundleBandits: <snip>
Just as a random yet frequently asked question - what would you say makes your bundle site different to all the other ones on the market? It's an honest and open query, and I'm genuinely curious. Hopefully it may give you some food for thought on how to develop the site further.

Humble Bundle has the market clout and the influence to drive major AAA publishers to get involved and get major indie devs to release for Linux and DRM-free.

Indie Royale - when it's at its best with the Debut bundles - presents some good but lesser known and more obscure indie titles. IR has been at its weakest when it does bundles with half-baked Steam only multiplayer shooters and pre-alpha-quality games.

Groupees does bundles combined with some interesting music. Again, it's at its weakest when it strays from this and starts becoming nothing more than a Steam key reseller.

Aside from Indie Gala to a limited extent, there are no other bundle sites have really managed to establish themselves because they do not offer anything that other bundle sites already do. Most of them offer only very poor quality games or games that have done the bundle rounds so often that people are sick of seeing them. All the bundle sites I listed above survive because they have a USP.

So what do you plan to offer? DRM-free exclusives? Triple-A titles? Do you have any principle that you enforce, like strictly indies only, no early access games, or DRM-free only with Steam keys optional?

You really need to consider that people will be wondering why they should risk creating a profile on yet another site.
Post edited November 29, 2013 by jamyskis
BundleBandits: Hey guys!

The website is in it's final stage, The first bundle is not live yet.
but keep an eye out for next month!
Welcome to the forum, btw! Please keep us posted ;-)
BundleBandits: <snip>
jamyskis: Just as a random yet frequently asked question - what would you say makes your bundle site different to all the other ones on the market? It's an honest and open query, and I'm genuinely curious. Hopefully it may give you some food for thought on how to develop the site further.

Humble Bundle has the market clout and the influence to drive major AAA publishers to get involved and get major indie devs to release for Linux and DRM-free.

Indie Royale - when it's at its best with the Debut bundles - presents some good but lesser known and more obscure indie titles. IR has been at its weakest when it does bundles with half-baked Steam only multiplayer shooters and pre-alpha-quality games.

Groupees does bundles combined with some interesting music. Again, it's at its weakest when it strays from this and starts becoming nothing more than a Steam key reseller.

Aside from Indie Gala to a limited extent, there are no other bundle sites have really managed to establish themselves because they do not offer anything that other bundle sites already do. Most of them offer only very poor quality games or games that have done the bundle rounds so often that people are sick of seeing them. All the bundle sites I listed above survive because they have a USP.

So what do you plan to offer? DRM-free exclusives? Triple-A titles? Do you have any principle that you enforce, like strictly indies only, no early access games, or DRM-free only with Steam keys optional?

You really need to consider that people will be wondering why they should risk creating a profile on yet another site.
Hello Jamyskis,
Thanks for your reply on my post and your questions. Your feedback is most appreciated!
Not many people take the time to write a reply like this, so thank you
for taking this as serious as we!

The reason why we started this website is to support the Indie Developer and give him/ her a platform
to promote their games on. One of the team members has been a game developers for years and he knows
how hard it is to find a place to sell games. From that perspective we took on this project months ago.
We took some time to think of what we want to achieve and every time it comes back to: the developer.
There is so much talent out there and we feel not everybody is given a stage to
present themselves. What we are looking for are quality games. We are looking for people who are as passionate about
games and developing them as we are. And we are looking for a way to raise our voice when it comes to charities.

Charities you say? Is that your USP? No- it is not. I will be honest with you: at this point in time we don’t
have an unique selling point compared to the other big fishes such as Groupees. We think it is our duty to take care of others too.
People who are not rich, successful or healthy. There is a large group of people in our society who could use support. There for we will
transfer 20% of our revenue to a “good cause”.

What is it you are offering you say? If you look at it from a consumers perspective; we are just another reseller of
Steam keys yes. But we are working on something good here, something we are really really really passionate about. Something we dreamt of for years!
BundleBandits: ... If you look at it from a consumers perspective; we are just another reseller of Steam keys yes. ...
To be honest, Steam s..., well, is not my first choice. I hope you seriously consider offering DRM-frees e.g. via direct download or Desura or even by cooperating with GOG (which would be amazing!). For direct downloads, keep the recent troubles of Groupees in mind. They lost a good bunch of reliability due to their server crash, long recovery period and mediocre server load scaling.