taczillabr: Ah, thanks for explaining. I favorite all interesting threads, this way I can have everything from any PC.
Yes, that works for threads you already know about, but if you move from one PC to another you won't be able to tell which boards have new threads/posts by looking at the boards index because all boards will be lit up, and let's face it, with 178 boards the time stamps are useless to keep track of...well, anything really.
taczillabr: It's not that we are old.
I think it's for new users/newcomers and for modern games, who don't know much about older releases but still are interested in discovering them and digging through similar games. I guess it's the same for the new Steam's personalized recommendations, it's for who isn't a big of a gamer, but got interested by a genre and then wants to discover more. (even if more=Kane and Lynch 2, always). :p
For me, just visiting mobygames and wikipedia is enough 95% of the time for recommendations/similar games. For the 5% left, there's google.
I also rely heavily on Mobygames to track down stuff that might interest me.
I don't know, you could be right in that it's a feature that it's probably more useful and that mostly caters to those who aren't familiar with the games on catalogue. Me, i'm happy with a couple of filters to narrow things down ;)