Ois: Even worse, It's 12Gig a month. (Shared amongst the three of us in this house, it's 4 gig each D:). And Yes, It's Telstra. No Off peak, and uploads count to the limits D:
I'm 15 minutes or so north of Gawler SA, where, up until recently, there has not been any other options. Looking into switching though, as we are also paying that $80 a month but for such a small amount!
Aliasalpha: TheCheese33: People have download limits? What companies do this? Boy, am I glad I live in Texas so I can take advantage of that fan-dangled new technology known as FiOS.
Yeah I remember hearing about the comcast caps and remember laughing about how hysterical some american posters were getting because they're ONLY going to get a quarter terabyte a month & saying it'd destroy the internet and was somehow a free speech issue (is there a law for internet discussions bringing up free speech thats similar to godwins law for bringing up nazis? If not there damn well should be). What limits WILL destroy is the chances of IPTV bcoming mainstream
Telstra is the single worst ISP in the country (with the exception of crappy resellers who
only onsell telstra crap and add a few bucks for themselves) and I'd not be surprised to find them listed in the top 10 worst on the planet.
Telstra have an entry level plan for $60 a month (if you have your phone service with them as well, if not it's $10 extra) that is adsl2+ speed (they call it 20mbit but thats only applicable if you're next door to the exchange) and give you a whopping download limit of... 600MB. Thats MEG, not GIG. Guess what else is fun? Unlike most semi-civilised ISPs, they don't slow you to 56k speed when you go over the limit, they keep your speed at maximum and charge you for the excess... at a rate of 15c per MB. Again MEG, not GIG.
Say you were on this plan (and had your phone bundled) and wanted to download a 4GB game from GOG, you pay your $15 (roughly how much a us$10 game costs us) and you download it. you're having fun playing it until your next internet bill comes out of your account and you realise that you've actually paid $599.40 for your cheap $15 game... What a bargain, it comes in at UNDER $600!! They've started to introduce a few plans that slow you rather than overcharge but they're still a major ripoff for the price.
This is the reason that I tend to scold people when they tell me they're using telstra.
have a look at netspace.
You all have me scared shitless. I don't know what I'm going to do when I go to college. :(