Posted May 10, 2014
Has anyone played it yet? It was released on PSN Wednesday and the PS3, PS4, Xbox360, and PC yesterday. I was going to pre-order it for $25 on GreenmanGaming, but I thought to wait for the eventual $5 sale and play it safe by waiting for a few reviews.
It really reminds me of Mars: War Logs since they share mechanics, so I expect to enjoy it greatly.
Yes, this is advertisement for the game. Beyond that, I am interested in hearing what y'all think about it.
Would you play it? Does it remind you of anything? I've heard it compared to Dark Souls (awareness of surroundings) and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
Many video reviews are completely negative, but I've managed to find some positive ones.
Cosmic Engine's review (14:00)
UltimateChance's review (11:53)
PCGMedia's PS4 review (8:07)
MONG Podcast's review (5:38)
Trophygamers' PS3 review (3:05)
Respawn Rossco's written review
Courtney Osborn's written review
It really reminds me of Mars: War Logs since they share mechanics, so I expect to enjoy it greatly.
Yes, this is advertisement for the game. Beyond that, I am interested in hearing what y'all think about it.
Would you play it? Does it remind you of anything? I've heard it compared to Dark Souls (awareness of surroundings) and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.
Many video reviews are completely negative, but I've managed to find some positive ones.
Cosmic Engine's review (14:00)
UltimateChance's review (11:53)
PCGMedia's PS4 review (8:07)
MONG Podcast's review (5:38)
Trophygamers' PS3 review (3:05)
Respawn Rossco's written review
Courtney Osborn's written review
Post edited May 17, 2014 by yarow12