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I wouldn't say I realised it was crap but for me, the closest experience I have is FTL.

But that was moer of a Bought, downloaded, played and then realised it wasn't my kind of game.
While I wouldn't say these games are crap, they just didn't appeal to me after giving them some time:

Team Fortress 2 - Not a big fan of multiplayer shooters for the most part (LOVE Unreal Tournament though!) but I remember my friend at the time hyping it up alongside those, "Meet the..." trailers which gave me a good laugh. I finally was able to play it in 2010 after getting a PC that could actually run games and was underwhelmed. I just couldn't get into it and it didn't help that I have no skill in the game and was told that it requires a serious time commitment, which I sadly lack the patience and confidence for.

Raiden Legacy - The games in the collection aren't terrible by any means, and I happen to like them a lot but this collection was downright atrocious, especially considering that the Raiden Fighters collection for the Xbox 360 was much better at porting those games and The Raiden Project for the PS1 not only has a fantastic port of the first Raiden, but the second one as well. Framerate issues not to mention having no choice of unlimited continues really ruins this, especially considering how hard these games can be.

Ultima VII - This was more of a recent physical purchase than a download so it may not count, but I have to admit, I could not get into this game. I like the ideas presented here and the plot from what I absorbed was pretty rad. My problem with it was how erratic the game seemed to be no matter what method I use for running it on a modern system. I constantly died in battles, not to mention the speed fluctuates horribly which really wears on me after a while. Before anyone tells me that this is just DOSBox, I am aware of that and realize that if I want to properly play this game I am probably going to have to build a nice retro DOS machine for it. Considering that, I tried Exult and my experience with that was worse than DOSBox. For starters, it still felt erratic, even with the smoothed out speed of it and one bug that got to me was that when the Avatar died, I never respawned at the shelter in Trinsic like I did when I played it in DOSBox. I highly doubt that this was something originally in the game considering that I respawned when emulating it in DOSBox. I might give this one a go again sometime in the future since it seems pretty rad to me and I want to bask in the revered Ultima series, but if any of the other games before this are as erratic and hard to play as VII was in my experience then I unfortunately will have to say that I am just too modern for the series.

F.E.A.R. - This one I have so many conflicting feelings about, it is not funny. For starters, I liked the gunplay and it was fun but I could not get behind the repetition of the office locations, enemies, and attempts of scaring the player. The scares in this game bug me because I was told by not only a friend, but a bunch of others that this game was scary. I never jumped or had quote unquote, "nightmares" because of it, it just got old fast just like how it did with Doom 3. I have never completed the game for this reason alone since nothing great happened and the repetition sunk in too fast so I was never able to reach the end.

Earthworm Jim 3D - Came with the Steam bundle of 1 and 2, which was the main attraction for me to be honest. I do not need to explain why Earthworm Jim 3D is crap, it suffers the same problems that many early 3D platformers did back in its day.
Post edited August 07, 2013 by SpooferJahk
rotorde: 2) Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace

The controls felt very clunky and the game just had this low quality feeling to it. It has been such a long time since I last played it that I don't really remember anything else about it.
This on so many levels.
Ghorpm: Most of the games mentioned in this thread are not epic fails neither - they just disappointed somebody.
That's for sure

Ghorpm: I'm not sure if I ever actually bought a game here which I would call "epic fail". Most probably not.
Shall I gift you sword of the stars II ? I'm joking, but when released that thing was unplayable. Patched and enhanced, it at least runs, but the gameply is so broken there is no way to enjoy it.

In the past I also had specific versions that caused problems. The french boxed version of Theatre of War for instance. There was no way to use it because the drm was incompatible with the installer. Correcting that took months. And then the later patches did not come in parallel with the English version.

Or some games on steam that simply won't work on many configurations.
Post edited August 07, 2013 by Phc7006
Personally for me, it's Borderlands 2 and Super Street Fighter IV. Just that I did not enjoy what I was playing at all. *deletes game*
Fever_Discordia: LOL so by 'modern TES games' you mean Oblivion then!
Fenixp: Oblivion's an oddball actually - for all the effort Bethseda has put into the Morrowind's lore and quests, barely anyone has noticed. Now I could see how that could be frustrating, so they have turned around and said 'Right, people were complaining about our samey quests, so we're going to put more effort into quest design' - and yeah, Oblivion actually has the most varied and best designed quests in the entire TES series, the backstory and its complexity is just not nearly as good. Buut, it turned out fans like that complexity even if they have only noticed a fraction of it - so they have made Skyrim, which is kind of a middle ground between the two, not doing either properly.

Fever_Discordia: BTW still playing TES 1 Arena at the moment - absolutely no complexity to that one at all! LOL and in that case I guess you could claim that by removing the political complexity TES is returning to it roots!

What's Daggerfall like? I hear its much better than Arena - they introduce the guilds and their quest / plot lines at least AFAIK
Fenixp: Daggerfall is basically Arena, just much better in every department. As for stories, the main storyline is actually very complex, but kind hard to follow. Still, it's very different from the following games in the series.

Mivas: I see. I guess we expect different things from games to be enjoyable. What you saw there, I didn't.
Fenixp: Yeah, I've figured as much. I'm not trying to persuade you to like Morrowind, just to tell you that there's actually much more to its story than meets the eye.
Cheers that was actually a relay interesting reply
I actually also still have the retail version of both Battlespire and Redgard in the back of my cupboard so I might just get though all 7 before I die, but then, so many games, such little time!
In 3D RPGs (not couting FPS/RPGs) I also own The Witcher, Fable, Gothic 1 - 3 NVN 1 and 2, KotOR 1 and 2 and a bunch of others I'm probably forgetting!
Wow, didn't know there was so much hate for BG2. I can understand the FPS people not liking the game, but it's one of my favorites.
Here's my list.

Neverwinter Nights...terrible camera angles that just left me not wanting to play the game.

Oblivion...with how great Morrowind was, why did they have to dumb this one down for the "console people". Because of Oblivion, I still haven't purchased or played Skyrim.

Civilization 5...I love Civ4 and Civ3 and it hurt to see what they did with Civ5. I was excited about the hex tiles, but I am a warmongerer first and foremost in Civ, so limiting my defenses and attacking troops to one per square irked me. Not to mention the smaller worlds. I was even okay with removing the religion bullshit from the game. I've played it less than 10 hours and if there is a Civ6 will probably skip it as well.

Probably a lot more, but that is the three I most wanted to like, but just were too awful for me to enjoy.

Call of Duty series, tried the original and COD4, just couldn't get into them.

WoW...I don't get how people play this game for so long with how high the fees were. I didn't buy the game, but tried the free trial a while back, very boring.
Post edited August 08, 2013 by jjsimp
grecza: my recent bad experiences:

Deus Ex - futuristic agent 007, global conspiracy, implants, stupid AI, horrible empty locations and everyone wears sunglases in a world with no sun

Now there's a game I never thought I'd see in this thread. As for the sunglasses, you can never be too careful with UV rays in the future. Even a glimpse is fatal. I think I'm murdering my own post.

Anyway....I've been playing Anachronox and actually defended it in another thread. For those who have played it all I'll say is "Rictus" and I now think it fits the bill of realising it's crap.
Post edited August 08, 2013 by pigdog
Anachronox and Deus Ex crap?! Wtf?! I guess to each his own but man ;) I played Deus Ex at least 10 times and currently replaying Anachronox. I still find them great even by today´s standards.

On topic -

like other said before Kingpin - absolutly terrible

Shogo - played 2/3 of the game in hope it would turn out better somewhere down the line. These guys afterall did No one lives forever and fear - but Shogo is just boring, lifeless and a chore to play.

Spec Ops the line - Can´t remember a game where I had to force myself to play it through like this one. Pretentious Storyline and the gameplay is so damn shitty. 3rd person shooters as a whole are mostly bad but this one... Can´t even describe it. I hate that game with passion.

Drakensang Series - I mostly play RPGs and I´ve played almost all there is in the last 15 years. Thought this one would be very good in the spirit of Baldurs Gate mixed with a bit of Gothic. Unfortunately it´s so slow, so boring, so clishéd and uninteresting. Couldn´t force myself through it and I finish almost every game I start to play.
#1 biggest crap: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII for the psp, I hated every minute of it.
^crap like this pushes me away from video games, sad that a few bad games can ruin all of them for me :(

#2 Ogre Battle 64... I really love snes ogre battle: motbq. I spend 80$ on OB64 (this is when it first came out at retail).
I immediately regretted buying OB64.. all the maps are very tiny, zero strategy now, since there is only one route to boss now!

#3 broderlands 1 and 2, who in their right mind thinks a tacked on leveling system, a very bad PASSIVE ability skill system, and one, JUST ONE, activatalbe skill makes this game an rpg?
Only thing worth while about it was collecting guns, but that can't be the only thing going for it. (I did like the 1st one more, 2nd one is a rip-off, it is smaller then the 1st game!)

I like The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, I enjoy it...... then I buy all 3 dlc and upgrade to latest patch...
now the game fps is crap, and all thse shadow/lighting bugs giving me epileptic seizures.
Bethesda, I lost any respect I had for you; shame on you.
^I guess I can disable ALL shadows by editing the .ini, but I want shadows, I did buy a new pc just for this game, guess I have to, to finish it :(.
anaheim85: Spec Ops the line - Can´t remember a game where I had to force myself to play it through like this one. Pretentious Storyline and the gameplay is so damn shitty. 3rd person shooters as a whole are mostly bad but this one... Can´t even describe it. I hate that game with passion.
You are now my mortal enemy.
anaheim85: Spec Ops the line - Can´t remember a game where I had to force myself to play it through like this one. Pretentious Storyline and the gameplay is so damn shitty. 3rd person shooters as a whole are mostly bad but this one... Can´t even describe it. I hate that game with passion.
Tranquil.Suit: You are now my mortal enemy.
AH HAH. Now I know a game you love more than Hotline Miami. JK Hope you know my previous post to you wasn't serious.
Tranquil.Suit: You are now my mortal enemy.
langurmonkey: AH HAH. Now I know a game you love more than Hotline Miami. JK Hope you know my previous post to you wasn't serious.
BG2 sucks and so does your mother. I will never forget this.
gbaz69: #3 broderlands 1 and 2, who in their right mind thinks a tacked on leveling system, a very bad PASSIVE ability skill system, and one, JUST ONE, activatalbe skill makes this game an rpg?
It isn't an RPG, it's a Diablo clickfest, except with first-person perspective.
I found about a dozen games over the weekend that made it to my "shelved" list. (not gonna bother playing it and didn't finish it).

Max Payne 3. This is by far the most disappointing.

Voicing - James McCaffrey sounds bored. While he was excellent in the first 2 games, he sounds like hes reading lines over his morning coffee.

Script - abysmal so far (level 3). Feels like a high school play. Childish in places and extremely light on plot. The visual affects of printing random words on screen while they are being spoken is more of an annoyance than anything else.

Collectables - putting collectables into timed missions is a cruel and unappreciated joke. So far they have given me 3 different reasons to explore and then find ways to constantly penalize me for trying to do so (pills, gold guns, and evidence). Pass them all up unless you want to risk failing the mission.

Combat - most fights start me out in the middle of the room with enemies running in from multiple directions. These are often scripted so they won't even bother coming in until I'm completely open (middle of the hallway with no cover). Then after blasting me in the face with a shotgun, I'm expected to aim with that analog thumbstick and fight my way out.

Cutscenes - the cutscenese are painful. (not payneful). due to the horrible script these are awful to sit through, and extremely long. So far I've seen one for each chapter. If I have to sit through another I'll just leave and find my own pain pills to help me finish this game. Hopefully, when I get back they will be over.

I can toss up the combat issues to playing on the console (I wouldn't have, but its how I managed to get the game DRM-free). Everything else would be bad no matter how I played the game.