Charon121: My main gripe with the first game was that it was too loot-centric. The entire game-play seemed to be revolving around loot. Even the main plot was based on it (find the fabled Vault, which is supposedly full of mysterious loot). Every enemy dropped some kind of a gun, and exchanging your current gun for a new one with a 0.3 second faster reload became boring soon. I'd rather wait two hours for a really powerful piece than get a 5% better one every five minutes. Getting new equipment causes a dopamine rush, as one reviewer described it, but in this case it was over-stimulation and I soon became desensitized to new loot. And collecting truckloads of equipment and selling it to the vending machines was also tedious. As was searching every trash heap for a bit of cash (the developers just know gamers can't resist that, but it detracts from the game itself).
Do enemies respawn as aggressively in B2 as they did in B1? I like some enemies to stay dead, and game forcing me to kill the same ones in the same locations over and over again just made me use quicktravel whenever I could. I know you should never run out of critters to kill in a game like this, but I want to feel as my murderous actions have some sort of an impact on the game world.
You won't like BL2 as it's very similar to BL1 and you probably won't like any other action-rpg/diabloesque game.