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my copy is finishing its install as i type, retail game and I still have to download a little bit (and slow as hell at that)
My copy will arrive soon. I pre-ordered on Amazon in Feb when it was $50, paid for it mostly with Amazon points, so I'm only out like $17 for it. ;)

Now it will sit on my shelf because I don't have much time for video games and have been playing Skyrim a lot.. (.. yes, I tend to run backlogged,, .. did you guys know they finally made a Fallout 3?! ;))
Zolgar: did you guys know they finally made a Fallout 3?! ;))
we dont talk about that game here >.>
I got this, played it, Gunzerker, I suck.
Yeah, I tried gunzerker too. Game's a little more difficult than the first one but I'm getting the hang of it.
WTF: Yeah, I tried gunzerker too. Game's a little more difficult than the first one but I'm getting the hang of it.
If there's an easier class, tell me, I'll reroll:)
WTF: Yeah, I tried gunzerker too. Game's a little more difficult than the first one but I'm getting the hang of it.
orcishgamer: If there's an easier class, tell me, I'll reroll:)
The one being brought in next month! It even has a skill that makes misses hit!
Haven't tried the others so I don't know. I guess it depends on the playstyle. In first one I had the best (and easiest) time with Mordecai. In 2 it seems his equivalent is this Zero assasin robot guy. But anyway by looking at the skill trees it looks like all the characters are nicely balanced.
My two fave classes last game were mordecai and lilth, played Maya (siren like lilith)and picked up a fire element revolver and its pretty awesome.

Maybe try Maya, check out her skill tree, see if it appeals.
WTF: Yeah, I tried gunzerker too. Game's a little more difficult than the first one but I'm getting the hang of it.
orcishgamer: If there's an easier class, tell me, I'll reroll:)
Axton the Commando is an easier class to play. The Gunzerker is very gear dependent and late blooming but Axton's a fairly easy class and his turret is powerful as well you can be more conservative.
cw8: Anyone playing it already? I don't actually get to play till the 20th since I'm in Asia.
bansama: I won't officially get access until October 27th... but that's not going to stop me playing it earlier if I get the time to. After all, the publisher already has my money, I'm not letting them hold my game hostage.
October 27th? Bloody hell...
I bought the game on the US Steam store... it still sold me the ROW version so I couldn't unlock it early with a VPN... and now even though I've bought it (downloaded it once back in AU before I came here but was having problems with it so wiped it for the time being) I have to wait till the 27th (download button has completely disappeared from the store page)!?
Really going to go gunzerker on 2K / Regional restrictions... ><
Bigs: it still sold me the ROW version so I couldn't unlock it early with a VPN
Version has nothing to do with whether you can unlock or not. The only thing that matters is your current IP address at the time you install, unlock and launch for the first time after installation. I've also found that a certain Appid trick works with Borderlands 2, so once you've activated, you don't need to worry about your IP address...
I just got up to pour some more coffee.

I just stopped by to brag, I'm snuggling with my daughter on the couch, drinking coffee, while she plays Borderlands 2. Sometimes I think I have the coolest fucking life ever:)
orcishgamer: If there's an easier class, tell me, I'll reroll:)
roninnogitsune: Axton the Commando is an easier class to play. The Gunzerker is very gear dependent and late blooming but Axton's a fairly easy class and his turret is powerful as well you can be more conservative.
Yeah, he is gun dependent. But gunzerking is awesome. I'm now level 16 and will pick skill reducing gunzerk cooldown. Gonna kick ass more often now. Maybe next time I'll try the commando, but I'm sticking with one character and playing through the whole game with him.