Prator: So, it's not like these would-be developers are making a full game, here. It's more like an extremely overdone patch. Activision wouldn't lose any money; on the contrary, it might encourage new people to buy the game. Seems like shutting this project down when it costs them nothing and might bring in more profit would be a bad business move.
Well if it requires the original game then no problem, but if didn't then of course Acti would come in (like recreating the entire game as a mod, without requiring the base game).
I've seen videos of this mod before, but never got to read about it.
Navagon: The complexity - and subsequently the problems with - Bloodlines was never with the environments. It's nice that they're being updated.
Yep, if it's (mostly) a facelift then why all the buzz?
These Bloodlines patches and mods teams should unite and make the damn thing for once...