DarthKaal: I agree on that. I've nothing against showing blood, I'm just talking about how some games can sometimes show too much (for me at least) gore details like in Wolverine.
LBartley: Seems like you beef with Wolverine is lack of familiarity with the character.
X-men 1, 2, 3, Wolverine is very, VERY different from comic Wolverine, which the game, and even the most recent movie are aiming more toward.
I have to agree with you completely. I've been reading the comics for quite a while, especially in the 90s. I mean, look at the Weapon X arc by WIndsor-Smith. It's about a man who's tortured (literally and figuratively) and changed.
The X-men books tend to have a different feel than the solo book (and Marvel Comics Presents), which I think less people seem to be familiar with. The Origins movie was going for these kind of themes much more than the previous X-men films. The guy was an assassin. Assassination tends to be bloody. It also revelas that wolvy was a shady character. Look at the Cyber arc right after Weapon X in MCP. Ol Canucklehead gets tagged with an hallucinogen in the jungle and has to fight a psychotic old enemy and save his girl pal, who's heavily involved in organized crime.
If it was Super Mario Wii or something or a game where it didn't match the brand at all decided to throw in the occasional decapitation, I'd think otherwise, but in this case I think it's wholly appropriate. It's an action game targeted towards older teens and adults, not kids. It has an 'M' on the box, too. Personally, as much as I'm not a fan of the game (it is more than a tad derivative of GoW in terms of gameplay and has that good-enough licensed game feel) I think it does a decent job with the portrayal of the licensed material.