Posted September 21, 2013

I Appreciate my friend, Hawk52 for calling me 'Lazy' Though.
Full Time Jobs somewhat hinder what free time i have.

quite few of us are stuck with RL stuff, but thats why we have one week time to play the match and also its not the end of the world if you have to skip one match (..opponent will get free win and some free gold + spp for it though, while you get nothing).
If youre pretty new: you should check: for some links to guides. contains rules and other good-to-know stuff.
And as Season 1 norse coach, i agree they are very nice team. Its shame that they are made of glass and positionals are rather pricey....but ofcoure every norse coach knows they are the one to do all the hitting so low armor value wont be issue at all ;)
Realrocker07 is now the 24th name on the list. So this will be the coach roster for season 3, unless we can find four (4) more coaches who agree to join the season and no one will drop out.
Magic numbers are 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 etc like piran posted earlier.
So in plain english, we are still looking for new coaches to join the season 3, but they will only get in if there are enough to fill number for that "magic number list".
Sucks, but thats the way Cyanide decided to code this game :S
I look forward to getting the season underway.