JudasIscariot: I can try another team if we need to diversify the teams. I did notice that more people wanted to play Chaos Dwarves, myself included :P.
I tried Norse against the AI and, good lord, I was having guys get injured left and right if the opponent got a chance to start. I wish there more teams that aren't Chaos or Lizards that had some toughness to them.
So, in short, if we need more team diversity I'll be the first to try out another team for the sake of variety and the league.
iippo: there is no need to decide the team yet - plenty of time.. we are simply asking so that people have -some- idea what the others are interested in.
Talking about solid teams:
orcs? vanilla dwarfs? regular undead? khemri (with reservations)? nurgle? humans/amazons with lots of guard? perhaps even necro with all that regen - >sure there are sturdy teams around :)
even norse are sturdy as long as you are the first one to hit and hit hard enough for the opponent not to pick themselves afterwards...
Khemri solid??
Well, they are fun, that's for sure, but...they have problems picking the ball.
To say the thruth, I have played them for some time, and although they have real problems to win games when you have reach 1450 or more tv, and play against a similar tv rival, Until then they can tear the your opponent to pieces.
But you depend on picking the ball from the ground, and that's not easy for them...
I got great memories from my matches with khemri...they are a solid possibility if there is a forced switch.