Reveenka: It's been a while since I last booted up AC1, but I remember I never bothered to finish the game because I got sick of the gameplay basically consisting of "get to the top of that really tall tower over there, then do missions in this part of town before moving on to the next part of town where you'll be doing the exact same thing all over again".
StingingVelvet: That's what games are though, right? In FEAR you shoot dudes through a level, then move to another level and do the same thing. And FEAR is one of the best shooters ever made.
I grant that the structure was designed in a way that made that obvious, but still.
Now you're just being silly.
I haven't played FEAR, but I imagine it's the same thing as Duke3D, Wolf3D, Quake and such, they added variety to those games by having varied level design, if it really were as simple as just shooting bad guys, there would be a much, much longer list of classics in the genre.
Just look at Painkiller, the original is great, but you hear a lot of people hating on the later games where they lost focus on the level design and variety of bad guys.
But, AC was a game where they had a really great stealth system and to not make full use of it made no sense at all. Having stealth missions and ones where you had to sneak into various places in order to make the hit added much needed variety to the game.
Being able to run in and around is fun, but a game that has the capacity for more, should make fuller use of it. Which is why the later games are so much better. I haven't had a chance to play AC:R or AC3 yet so I"m going to leave my judgment until I go home and play them. But, seriously, you're completely mis-characterizing the complaints for no particular reason.
I personally loved the addition of the missions to AC:B and the other assassins, which was IMHO sorely lacking from the earlier games.
StingingVelvet: <op - bloat>
wpegg: So far, I've not been too bothered by the bloat, simply because it's given me a few chances to try out the whole tree jumping thing (currently on sequence 6, just got my suit). However I suspect that's because I very early on gave up on the appalling level design and said f**k it to the optional extra bits and just played for fun.
Given how they've screwed around with the controls, and generally claimed to improve the free-running though actually just changing its irritations, I'm happy with the bloat as training for later.
That's been my feeling earlier. It's nice sometimes to get to knock your head against a different wall for a while. I loved the Assassin's tombs for that very reason.