Posted January 31, 2012
overread: Bleh another MMO
Though that said I bet it will be essentially WoW in SPACE! I suspect they don't want to lose the competitive gamer aspects of SC2 by shifting that franchise into MMO (that said they have teased WoSC one or two 1st Aprils ;))
orcishgamer: You're forgetting the kerfuffle over the World of Starcraft mod that guy did with the SC2 in game editing tools. Blizzard almost roasted that kid alive. I think Riot offered him a job, though. Though that said I bet it will be essentially WoW in SPACE! I suspect they don't want to lose the competitive gamer aspects of SC2 by shifting that franchise into MMO (that said they have teased WoSC one or two 1st Aprils ;))