Navagon: I never really understood how a company with so very little output could do a convention solely around themselves anyway.
But how did you manage to go to a Blizzcon without realising it was going to be overpriced?
Have you ever watched any online videos of the event? Those attendees are into it, to a scary degree, in fact:)
Didn't they do a Call of Duty-con or something? I mean, that's a con centered around a single game franchise, pretty crazy honestly (though Blizzcon has always been 90% WOW, I guess, so not that crazy).
hedwards: Diablo 3 looks like the only thing keeping Torchlight 2 from kicking its teeth in is the legion of fanbois. We'll see how bad it is, but Blizzard has pretty much vowed to remove just about everything vaguely Diabloish from it.
I know it's hard to prove this to people at this point, but wait until you get a hold of Path of Exile... Between that and co-op TL2 you'll have gritty, you'll have cartoony, you'll have co-op goodness out the ying-yang and basically have spent 20 bucks.
kavazovangel: The chance to play against WoW / SC2's best players, the chance to meet and talk to people working in Blizzard, the chance to form relationships and connections that could help you in your future job searching, the chance to have fun with fellow WoW / Diablo / SC players, and so on...
Go to PAX, talk to the people who used to work at Blizzard that now are working on something they like. It's actually really interesting to hear their stories.