Navagon: I never really understood how a company with so very little output could do a convention solely around themselves anyway.
But how did you manage to go to a Blizzcon without realising it was going to be overpriced?
CCP manages it with just EVE ;) but then it's more of an excuse to get drunk with the devs and meet up with fleetmates...
Tormentfan: The lack of Blizzcon has nothing to do with Blizzard being busy... it all about bottom line
Blizzard are making so much money these days that they no longer have to court their audience, coupled with the fact that Activision are in the mix and they are certainly not going waste money.
I predict the time between cons will increase more and more til it's cancelled.. fairly soon I'd say too.
Player count has dropped in the last 2 years on their main money maker the changes they made in the last xpac actually drove away more players than it brought in...