timppu: I object mainly two aspects of DLCs:
1. If there are lots of tiny DLCs, it just makes buying games much more effort. It is easy to say "don't buy DLCs you don't like, like cosmetic ones. Buy only the important DLCs.", but there's the catch: how the heck do I know from two dozen tiny DLCs, which of them are really 100% cosmetic or completely irrelevant to me, and which make the game more enjoyable to me? If a DLC offers a new weapon and/or a new vehicle to the base game, is that an irrelevant DLC or not? How do I know without playing it first? Maybe someone else felt that e.g. that big truck in Far Cry 2 was quite irrelevant, but to me it wasn't. I much prefer playing FC2 with it, than without. Someone else might consider it only "cosmetic" as there are lots of other (smaller) vehicles as well in the game.
I still recall trying to figure out which DLCs for Darkstalkers 2 were "important" and which "cosmetic". The DLC descriptions on e.g. the Steam page were pretty useless, they didn't really open it up for me in "This DLC you definitely want" or "This DLC you could skip just as well". After all, it would be pretty poor marketing to make some DLC seem irrelevant.
2. Like many have suggested, waiting for the Complete GOTY edition is one solution I could also follow, as then I don't have to go through the pain in the previous point. But as others have said, it seems the publishers are playing with those too, ie. sometimes the "complete" versions don't have even all the currently released DLCs, or there are still some future additions. I was first interested in e.g. the Mass Effect Trilogy, but judging by the reviews it missed some pretty important DLCs for unknown reasons. Why would EA do that? The only explanation I can find is to milk a bit more from people who thought they'd be getting "the whole package" with the compilation
If DLC mainly meant a few (max 3, hopefully less) bigger additional "expansion packs", then I wouldn't really mind them. I am not necessarily against the idea of making additional content for the game afterwards.
Kudos to CDPR though to make such content in a form of free DLC. :)
Thanks, this expresses it better than I did.