FraterPerdurabo: You'd be surprised. I read through that entire list and the only three brands that I buy from there are Intel, Microsoft and Louis Vuitton.
I wasn't planning on buying a new CPU, OS or clothes this month anyway, so count me in for the boycott.
Long story short - I don't watch movies, hence I don't buy them. The music I listen to is 80-90s for the most part and I already have what I need. I hate clutter and I hate things so I buy little, infrequently and of long-term value.
Sniff, I am proud of you =,D
PoSSeSSeDCoW: If it's a boycott, shouldn't it be called "Red March", not "Black March"?
Being in the black means making a profit. Being in the red means taking a loss.
I think Black is the association with a black hole. There is just nothing. Red March was probably avoided because "Red"...well, you know.