haydenaurion: I am wondering about my CPU temps again, they seem to be a few degrees hotter, though that could be because it's warm tonight (current temp 63 F according to local weather) and I don't have my air conditioning on at the moment.
timppu: Why are you wondering? According to that list, the temperatures stay well below 40 Celsius (I presume that is idle), which to me sounds quite cool for CPU core temps.
Well, I guess I found it a bit odd that one of the cores was running at a little bit of a higher temp than the others.
shane-o: Did you download Core Temp from it's homepage at
http://www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/ ? If so, did you press the big
Download: Core Temp 1.0 RC3 because that will be your problem (and it's actually stated on the page and how to remove it via a link under that big download link)
Yep, that's what my dumbass installed.
timppu: It is just that during last few weeks I noticed that when I was playing Baldur's Gate, the game would start stuttering sometimes. With Core Temp, I noticed that BG seems to always cause a constant 100% load to one CPU core, causing it to heat up. This happens even, or especially, in BG menus etc. Some stupid programming in the Infinity engine games. I googled for it, and apparently those games use 100% one-core CPU load, no matter how fast your PC is?
Anyways, the stuttering was apparently due to overheating, the core temp went sometimes well over 90 Celsius degrees with Baldur's Gate. I think the highest core temp I saw was maybe 97 C. After dusting a bit, now the temp stays under 80 all the time with BG, no stutter anymore. "Idle" temp, for example right now, is around 41 Celsius.
What the heck is wrong with those Infinity engine games? I don't think even 3D games like Halo 1-2 make this laptop as hot.
I heard about that awhile back, but I don't think that happened to me with the Infinity Engine games on my old PC. Hopefully that's not the case with my new one.