keeveek: Often it's not the best thing to do to blame the developer. They
probably wanted to make the game this way, but you know, in the end, it's the Publisher who says "we won't give you money for this, you better hurry up with finishing this game or else"
Being dependent means they shouldn't say out loud such things, because in the end, it's never their to decide.
For what it's worth, all the rumors point at bad internal project management rather than EA being dicks. I.e. the main plot has never been properly planned in advance, and losing the former lead writer after ME2 didn't certainly help. The endings we've got are, apparently, simply the best the new lead writer could come up with at last minute. Again, it's only rumors, but they would explain why the main plot is so inconsistent, and why ME2 felt so disjointed from the rest of the series.
So while I'd very much like to learn who screwed up in there, that's something we'll probably never get to know for sure, and ultimately it doesn't really matter from a consumer point of view.
Bottom line is, Bioware released a rushed product that failed to meet the extremely high expectations (which they themselves pumped up until release, even with use of false advertising). And then, when people obviously started complaining, did they take note of the feedback on how to fix the game? No, they just called it art, gave the finger to everyone who disagreed, and tried to get away with it.
Now, screwing up the with game is something I could accept, but I don't like arrogance and I don't see how this behaviour is defensible. Had it not been for the persistence of the "entitled whiny brats" movement there would haven't been any EC.
Saying that there were no problems with ME3 or the way BW handled it, and that all the mess was caused by a vocal minority is fucking delusional.