Fenixp: ... canvas used to paint even more cliché and repetition. Seriously, everything in Bioware games, even side stories, has mostly been done to death in videogames. There are some interesting and good ideas here and there, but mostly it's either carbon copy of something from their previous games or something overused everything else. And yes, I know, it's chliché because it works.
I once heard a sentence reportedly attributed to Hitchcock, though it's probably apocryphal: "it's better to start from a cliché than end up in it". Which is a pretty smart principle.
But, well, the last BioWare game I played was
KOTOR, which I nearly hated, so I wouldn't know. I've just started playing
Mass Effect for the first time (and spent most of my time so far modding the god-awful textures); I'm really curious to see what all the raving is about.