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RaggieRags: if most of your customers are "whining", it is a problem. Game journalists aren's the ones who bring in the bread and butter.
StingingVelvet: Assuming loud people on forums is "most" amuses me greatly.
This pretty much, yeah. 'most' people complained about ME3, funny thing is tho that most people I actually talked about ME3 liked the game.
Nirth: They should lose the whole cater to a larger audience and they will continue just fine.
What does that mean? They always were mainstream developer. ALWAYS.

And how being a part of EA you may "loose cater to a larger audience" ?
Nirth: They should lose the whole cater to a larger audience and they will continue just fine.
They will never lose that

They are a division of EA now, EA completely owns them

Bioware was dead years ago, people are only starting to realize that now
RaggieRags: if most of your customers are "whining", it is a problem. Game journalists aren's the ones who bring in the bread and butter.
StingingVelvet: Assuming loud people on forums is "most" amuses me greatly.
In every ME3 thread on any forum, most people who have seen the ending hate it. On any poll on any website, the massive majority of respondents hate the ending. So why exactly should one assume only a loud minority hates the ending?
I think the devs have already said their fans are not to blame for the departure & they're upset with the reviewers posting so.
I am optomistic for Dragon Age 3 & am still holding out for a Jade Empire sequal. I love Bioware, I still thing they'll have some pretty awesome stories for us.
But money shouldn't be an issue if your trying to pick up ME3. Brand new its getting cheap, & I've gone into stores that have a ton of used copies collecting dust. Actually got mine for free when someone abandoned it at my place... infact just ask any friend you have that seems really depressed by the game to give you their copy, you might just get a free game that way. Parts of three were pretty good & the Combat style introduced in two feels more comfurtable in this game.
RaggieRags: In every ME3 thread on any forum, most people who have seen the ending hate it. On any poll on any website, the massive majority of respondents hate the ending. So why exactly should one assume only a loud minority hates the ending?
They still liked the game. They are disappointed about the ending, but that doesn't make them regret playing the game. The uproar over the ending was so big, because the games are so liked. A lot of lesser games have shitty endings nobody talks about, because the games themselves aren't anything to write home about.
DavidG88: I love Bioware, I still thing they'll have some pretty awesome stories for us.
I sure as hell hope so, so far they've only had one story for us repeated to infinity, with rare exceptions :-P
SimonG: They still liked the game. They are disappointed about the ending, but that doesn't make them regret playing the game.
How do you know that?

Reading news comments on different websites on Bioware's plans for more ME DLC/games, surprisingly many people are saying they have stopped caring about ME. It's hard to say how they'll feel in a couple of more years, but there's definitely a lot of bitterness in the air.
DavidG88: I love Bioware, I still thing they'll have some pretty awesome stories for us.
Fenixp: I sure as hell hope so, so far they've only had one story for us repeated to infinity, with rare exceptions :-P
The story is only the canvas on which a game is made. Especially Bioware has shown that the strength lies in the details.
Sequiro: ... If more and more people especially the people behind the decisions and direction of the games leave, then Bioware won't really be Bioware, it will just be so in name only. ...
Everybody has to go/retire at some point but a tradition/spirit can still be kept and continueed. It would depend on the people who are still there.

I thought the industry seldom changes a successful formula. But then these things happen. Let's not judge too early but wait for the next games coming out and judge then.
Post edited October 02, 2012 by Trilarion
SimonG: The story is only the canvas on which a game is made. Especially Bioware has shown that the strength lies in the details.
... canvas used to paint even more cliché and repetition. Seriously, everything in Bioware games, even side stories, has mostly been done to death in videogames. There are some interesting and good ideas here and there, but mostly it's either carbon copy of something from their previous games or something overused everything else. And yes, I know, it's chliché because it works.
Fenixp: ... canvas used to paint even more cliché and repetition. Seriously, everything in Bioware games, even side stories, has mostly been done to death in videogames. There are some interesting and good ideas here and there, but mostly it's either carbon copy of something from their previous games or something overused everything else. And yes, I know, it's chliché because it works.
I once heard a sentence reportedly attributed to Hitchcock, though it's probably apocryphal: "it's better to start from a cliché than end up in it". Which is a pretty smart principle.

But, well, the last BioWare game I played was KOTOR, which I nearly hated, so I wouldn't know. I've just started playing Mass Effect for the first time (and spent most of my time so far modding the god-awful textures); I'm really curious to see what all the raving is about.
Said it before, but ME1 and DA:O were the last two Bioware games made with time and love. After that it's been one franchinse game out this year and the other franchise next, EA style.

Maybe they'll come back one day, but I'm not too hopeful on that.
Maybe they'll decide on a new exciting direction, but... nah, it'd have to be accepted by a board of senior accountants or something.
"We like this, but water it down and change everything."
bazilisek: I once heard a sentence reportedly attributed to Hitchcock, though it's probably apocryphal: "it's better to start from a cliché than end up in it". Which is a pretty smart principle.
It's all good. Bioware does both :D See, the sad thing about it is that a lot of those clichés they have actually brought themselves into videogame storytelling. And yeah, first Mass Effect was fairly decent, but it didn't leave any lasting impressions on me - precisely for reasons I have described above.
RaggieRags: In every ME3 thread on any forum, most people who have seen the ending hate it. On any poll on any website, the massive majority of respondents hate the ending. So why exactly should one assume only a loud minority hates the ending?
Because 90% of people who played the game participated in NONE of that, for one. For another, whining about the ending a bit does not indicate overall dissatisfaction.

I for one liked the ending. Very Deus Ex style.