"Yes, by all means, they should refuse to do anything that might leave someone out.
I mean, a little kid might LOVE Baldur's Gate 2. But Dragon Age was an M rated game, so they should have removed all the blood and boobies from that so that the little kids could enjoy it."
You know how i feel about most of your brainless, childish analogies, right ? I'm not even touching this one, it reeks.
"Don't get me wrong, I find this to be pretty annoying as well. But how else could this have been handled?"
Easy. Don't do it at all. Do something else. Something available to the whole Bioware community.
"But this makes sense. As it stands, shipping and the contest itself are probably going to be pretty expensive. Now imagine that everyone who won was in Abu Dhabi. Yeah, that sounds like a good use of money..."
It makes sense for those who can't wait to jump on just about any 'pro establishment'/'powers that be' ship like yourself. If it's unpopular, you're there, arguing the other side just fot the sake of arguing the other side.
For me, it doesn't make any sense whatsoever giving the 'community' framing of this bazaar shit. I'm a member of the community last time i checked, and i'm out. Are you out aswell ?
"But again, let's ignore that. Let's just whine and scream and pretend that Bioware/EA/Santa Claus is evil and hates everyone except for the Americans (although, screw Florida and New York :p). Because we all know that is the REAL reason behind this"
If i had to guess i'd say it has nothing to to with evil but with money as usuall. There's probably money gained or money saved at the end of this rainbow, directly or indirectly.
"The only thing Bioware and EA are guilty of is having PR guys who kind of suck. They are trying to do something nice (and get publicity), but they did it in a manner that pissed off all the angry internet men."
No, they're guilty of being fucktard morons if they wrere expecting people wouldn't be upset by this. What are they doing nice for me, a member of the community who bought every single Bioware title since NWN and a couple of others before that ? Or for John Doe, from Texas, who's also a part of the Biowar community ?
And you're definitely not an angry internet man. You take anything and everything with a smile and a shit load of 'what if's' and 'for all we know it could be's' and that's supposed to make everything fine and dandy.
I don't exactly know what they stand to gain, but i suspect it's money in one form or another.
I don't know who's ultimately responsable for it at this point, and i'm not sure i even care.
I do know one thing, it's fucking unfair any way you look at it. THAT IS ALL I'M SAYING.