Zurvan7: Not really exited about any Bioware title anymore but here is the new trailer for people who care.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFNSvWwQR5s blotunga: Yeah, I won't buy any more DLC nightmares from EA.
Yeah I know what you mean, but EA has changed its one time online activation policy and they allow publishers now to dismiss micro transactions on their games (titanfall will only have dlc based content, the rest consists of free update) so at least it's an improvement. But I don't know if EA is to blame for Bioware's money sucking policy. The last complete edition that Bioware released was DA: O ult edtition which had all the DLC's (that were disk locked anyway :s). But for their other titles, you have to go on their web and purchase DLC's by purchasing Bio points. So F that and besides the Bio founding fathers left the company so they have a totally different view on gaming.
Moonbeam: Thanks for the link, looks good.
Zurvan7: Not really exited about any Bioware title anymore but here is the new trailer for people who care.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFNSvWwQR5s DreadMoth: Fade to black at 0:58 to hide screen-space water reflection bugging out :p
Aside from that, looks great. Hope the gameplay is good too...
No problem, maybe you guys want to take a look at this gameplay video. Gotta admit looks good but then again they promised a lot of improvement with DA2 and flat out lied to everyone by saying "it's their most interactive titles ever"