wodmarach: I remember the massive oversell Ken Levine did on Bioshock (you can find the developer demo vid from 2006 on youtube) -- he exaggerated every trivial detail and kept parroting 'choices .
I would have loved to play the "original" Bioshock, by original I mean the one that was originally planed. I recently re-read articles published years ago when Bioshock was first announced and the game sound so much more interesting...
wodmarach: wait first you say the whole game is one thing then admit you only played the first level meaning no little sisters etc... try playing a little further in till you get to your first ethical decision.
Honestly the ethical choices in Bioshock 1 or 2 are a big joke, you have the choice between killing the little sisters and having tons of adam... or saving the little sisters and having tons of adam... a little later.