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Hopefully they don't waste good art direction/atmosphere with the banal game play of Bioshock this time.
Hmm with B1 and B2 leaving me feeling rather disappointed, I can't drag up any interest in this one either. They are both just bog standard shooters with some "magic" tagged on with very linear level design and a gorgeous setting.
Andy_Panthro: Could just be "Sky-shock", and I'm not sure if that would be good or not...
Barefoot_Monkey: Or "Aeroshock"

Yup, I suggested AeroShock on the PC Gamer forum... it's a good name, and with the right marketing over the "Shock" part there is no reason it wouldn't work about as well as calling the whole thing BioShock.
As someone else said though, marketing to millions of idiots is a tough job, and they pander for a reason...
Well after reading the RPS writeup, the only thing I didn't like was the name and if the reasoning for it become clear after a while then I'm cool with that.
Hopefully the 2 person team will also be indicative of coop
Aliasalpha: Hopefully the 2 person team will also be indicative of coop

It isn't:
"Elizabeth is a skinny-waisted, dark-haired, cleavage-showing damsel who is sometimes in distress and sometimes the key combat support. She is not controllable by another player."
Ahh must have missed that part. Oh well, cleavage is a fair tradeoff
With pants like these, how can this game not be good?
Bioshock Infinite: Dystopia in the Sky
That really should be the tagline.
The first game was enough for me, honestly. It started off strong, but the great atmosphere faded after an hour or two, and the gameplay was pretty weak all the way through. Bioshock was decent, but I don't think it's something I'll ever play again, and a batch of sequels does not interest me.
The setting looks creative enough, but... like I said, I don't want to play Bioshock again.
Post edited August 13, 2010 by Mentalepsy
I remember the massive oversell Ken Levine did on Bioshock (you can find the developer demo vid from 2006 on youtube) -- he exaggerated every trivial detail and kept parroting 'choices and consequences' when really the most choice in the game boiled down to whether you were going to electrocute them and beat them with a wrench or shoot them in the face with a shotgun. Even at the $5 price I paid on Steam I still feel ripped off as I couldn't bring myself to play past the first level. It really is a shame they waste such terrific atmosphere on garbage.
Bioshock - only game to ever make me read a book. ;-)
Metro09: Even at the $5 price I paid on Steam I still feel ripped off as I couldn't bring myself to play past the first level.

That sounds like a personal problem.
Metro09: I remember the massive oversell Ken Levine did on Bioshock (you can find the developer demo vid from 2006 on youtube) -- he exaggerated every trivial detail and kept parroting 'choices and consequences' when really the most choice in the game boiled down to whether you were going to electrocute them and beat them with a wrench or shoot them in the face with a shotgun. Even at the $5 price I paid on Steam I still feel ripped off as I couldn't bring myself to play past the first level. It really is a shame they waste such terrific atmosphere on garbage.

wait first you say the whole game is one thing then admit you only played the first level meaning no little sisters etc... try playing a little further in till you get to your first ethical decision.
wodmarach: I remember the massive oversell Ken Levine did on Bioshock (you can find the developer demo vid from 2006 on youtube) -- he exaggerated every trivial detail and kept parroting 'choices .

I would have loved to play the "original" Bioshock, by original I mean the one that was originally planed. I recently re-read articles published years ago when Bioshock was first announced and the game sound so much more interesting...
wodmarach: wait first you say the whole game is one thing then admit you only played the first level meaning no little sisters etc... try playing a little further in till you get to your first ethical decision.

Honestly the ethical choices in Bioshock 1 or 2 are a big joke, you have the choice between killing the little sisters and having tons of adam... or saving the little sisters and having tons of adam... a little later.
Ethical decision? Like harvesting the sisters? Please. If you consider that 'choice and consequence' then... well... such is the future of RPGs. The game is a total bastardization of System Shock.
PoSSeSSeDCoW: That sounds like a personal problem.

Alcoholism is a personal problem. Bioshock is just a mediocre FPS.
Post edited August 13, 2010 by Metro09