iippo: "Why so serious?"
Youre not the center of the Sun (thats Conjure One) - anyways, I for example have to little brothers who were too young to play the original Baldur's Gate back then and never bothered to pick any games for GoG, because there are plenty of new games to go around.
Yes, I am aware of the fact that there are some people out there who have not played Baldur's Gate. But thanks for the reminder, because some people might not know about this fact.
The point still stands, is it worth paying $20 for a digital version of a 15 year old game, even with its enhancements? How much of these enhencements cannot be done just by modding the original version? And also, how faithful are these enhancements and additions to the spirit of the original game? This is the sort of the perspective that reviewers like those at Gamespot have to consider.
You have to remember, this is just an enhanced edition, not a remake.
iippo: Enhanced editions for old games are very good addition in my mind and anyway, who forces you to buy them now or even later? Personally I am not in a hurry, ill buy it some discount or another when the price drops somwhere under 10e.
Yes, I am well aware of the fact that I am not forced to buy the Enhanced Edition. Which is exactly why I haven't bought the Enhanced Edition.
I personally would have bought the Enhanced Edition if, A: it was DRM-free, and, B: all of the in-game artworks and models were updated for modern screen resolutions. But they didn't do that, so I don't see the point.