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DaCostaBR: Farenheit's story at least started good, Heavy Rain's never captivated me and it only got worse as it went on, culminating with that reveal that I just could not stand.
Mivas: Beyond should contain - to my disappointment - supernatural elements like Fahrenheit again. I don't really see much difference between Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain to be honest. Both were straightforward semi-personal stories including several protagonists affecting the badly written finale.
But Fahrenheit immediately got me invested, with the murder, then trying to cover your tracks and wondering if your character was insane and really guilty of it. Heavy Rain took forever to get started which meant you spent way too much time just getting to know the characters, unfortunately they were way too bland to make that engaging, and by the time the plot kicked into motion I couldn't care less about what happened to any of them.

The problem with the supernatural elements in Fahrenheit was that they felt tacked on and out of place with what came before in the story, Beyond will feature them throughout the entire game so the same issues don't apply.
DaCostaBR: But Fahrenheit immediately got me invested...
In that case, I think the best decision would be to check Let's Play and see for yourself if the story clicks with you the same way Fahrenheit did. Or wait for demo that should be available soon.
DaCostaBR: But Fahrenheit immediately got me invested...
Mivas: In that case, I think the best decision would be to check Let's Play and see for yourself if the story clicks with you the same way Fahrenheit did. Or wait for demo that should be available soon.
I don't like to do that stuff, it spoils the game for me. But I wasn't actually debating getting the game just general merits, I'm going to move away and leave my PS3 behind soon so probably in a year or two from now when I have it again, and the game is cheap enough to not be a risk, then I'll buy the game.
F1ach: Depends on what you liked/disliked bout either, I was referring to the controls using sixaxis features.
DaCostaBR: Farenheit's story at least started good, Heavy Rain's never captivated me and it only got worse as it went on, culminating with that reveal that I just could not stand.

Gameplay I guess was pretty much the same on both. Farenheit's "alternating L1 and R1" (I played it on PS2) became Heavy Rain's Sixaxis, both annoying but ultimately harmless, so I don't see an issue there.
Yeah I totally get that, I cannot understand why HR is so highly rated, the story is just utter crap, crikey after the start, you would wonder why any wife in their right mind would leave the useless dork of a husband in charge of a child again, If I was her I would have taken out a barring order against him and the ending was a major WTF???? moment...

I always considered the game a tech demo for the sixaxis controller and nothing else from the stupid arm bandaging and minding the sodding baby to the guy with the glasses.

On saying that, from what I watched in those demos looked like an interesting story with supernatural overtones.
Here's a video of a section from the demo someone uploaded:

Pretty interesting development.
Interesting. I am probably going to buy the next ipad as I have never owned one and I have a 400 dollar credit on my AT&T account so I would love to try this game with that device.
Post edited September 27, 2013 by JetGumRadio
Yeah, Android/iPhone support is handy. There were already console games supporting co-op I'd have liked to try but the image of buying another controller probably for one game killed the idea very fast. And considering how easy it is to command Aiden, it's a meaningful choice for alluring non-gamers.

I've tried demo tonight and this is probably also one of my gripes. Aiden adds an element of slowness to the gameplay. You need to look around, then straigthen to the direction you want to fly. It killed any sense of rush scenes tried to evoke. Imo, controls are step backwards. Even controlling Jodie is kind of rough. And I'm saying that as someone whose first game played with something else than KB/M was Heavy Rain.
Post edited September 27, 2013 by Mivas
If it's no longer PS3 exclusive I might be interested as well. I'm not going to buy a PS3 just for Heavy Rain, Infamous and GrandTurismo92901192102910998193283190283102.
It seems that Sony plans to release censored version for EU.

I'm waiting for more information however if this is confirmed, I'll consider to spend money elsewhere with solid customer service.
Post edited September 27, 2013 by Mivas
Mivas: It seems that Sony plans to release censored version for EU.

I'm waiting for more information however if this is confirmed, I'll consider to spend money elsewhere with solid customer service.
Well that killed it for me, thanks for the link Mivas.
Mivas: It seems that Sony plans to release censored version for EU.

I'm waiting for more information however if this is confirmed, I'll consider to spend money elsewhere with solid customer service.
Noooo....Sony, you are an idiot :(

Totally awesome piece of gameplay in this QD showcase of the game, makes this a day one buy for me.
EDIT: Never mind, I post far too much on the forum. :)
Post edited October 01, 2013 by Mivas
Played the demo last night (available since yesterday on PSN).

The controls are fairly intuitive but sometimes maybe counter intuitive in a fight, but you can get used to them fairly quickly.
There was a night time chase through a forest and that was a bit annoying as you couldnt easily see where to go or what hazards the game controller wanted you to whether to duck under a branch or jump over it as you couldnt really see the branch, I didnt notice a gamma slider in the options menu (in game), maybe its on the main menu, but it wasn't too bad.

The only thing I think I failed was at the end of the demo where you control Aiden, the girl said to take out the chopper. It wasnt immediately apparent how to do this and when I did try I got a cutscene where we got arrested, but then after getting arrested and put in the cop car, you play another scene where you escape from the cop car, so maybe you cant really fail the scenarios, just move on to another aspect of the scenario.

My only gripe was Aiden, he was a bit annoying to control and it's not always apparent what you should do, but not too obtuse as to be frustrating. The game looks great and is quite immersive, but taking "possession" of people with Aiden can become a bit same old same old and that was just in the demo.

Overall, I liked it and found it refreshing with a deep storyline, I'll definately get it on day one.