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As you probably know, you'll spend hours in Beyond Good and Evil® with Jade's camera, shooting pictures of animals, plants and beautiful landscapes. So why not use this time to make a nice screenshot from the game that would illustrate the beautiful world of Hillys? Take your time, choose the best scenery, get the right angle and take a photo that's worth a thousand words. Then just send the screenshot to by Thursday, April 2 at 11:59 p.m. EDT and we'll choose the one that takes our breath away. The winner will receive a free game from's catalogue. We'll announce the lucky winner in the community update news on Saturday, April 4.
EDIT: You have to own the game on to enter the contest.
EDIT 2: The winner is jema, with the aesthetically pleasing little gem attached below. :)
Post edited April 04, 2009 by Firek
Cook: Then just send the screenshot to

Is there a limit to how many shots we send in one email? I understand if you wanted to limit contestants to 5 shots each or something, or is it just one?
Cook: Then just send the screenshot to
Romulus: Is there a limit to how many shots we send in one email? I understand if you wanted to limit contestants to 5 shots each or something, or is it just one?

The logical would be to have the same rules as the IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 plane skin contest: "submit as much as you like, but please don't spam"... though I don't know if the rules actually are the same.

Is there a limit to how many shots we send in one email? I understand if you wanted to limit contestants to 5 shots each or something, or is it just one?

Feel free to flood the "users" mailbox with your works :)

if I used a free game code, does it still count?

Yes it does. You have the version of the game.

Does it have to be straight from the game? Or can we touch it up a bit first, colour,lighting,cropping,tilt_shift, etc...

Not everybody knows how to touch up images or simply doesn't bother doing it, so let's remain with original screenshots.
Post edited March 28, 2009 by Cook
Ok, stupid question time...
How do you take a screenshot in this game? I've tried the usual print screen key + paste into paint, I've tried SnagIt, MWSnap, and IrfanView.
None of them work. :(
I usually use an app called GrabClipSave that works for most everything. I've not tried it with this yet though but I don't see a reason it won't work
Aliasalpha: I usually use an app called GrabClipSave that works for most everything. I've not tried it with this yet though but I don't see a reason it won't work

No joy :(
Have you tried using the old favourite: Fraps?
bansama: Have you tried using the old favourite: Fraps?

Or Xfire. Or WeGame.
bansama: Have you tried using the old favourite: Fraps?

That works! Thanks!
bansama: Have you tried using the old favourite: Fraps?
ZamFear: That works! Thanks!

It isn't working for me. Fraps seems to be running fine, but every time I take a screenshot, all I end up with is a totally black image with no picture at all. wtf?
Try PrintKey 2000.
PredakingCrush: It isn't working for me. Fraps seems to be running fine, but every time I take a screenshot, all I end up with is a totally black image with no picture at all. wtf?

Wikipedia may have a workaround.
Well I managed to take shots with FRAPS quite nicely, for a while. Not sure if its a demolimitation or not but it seemed to stop taking images every 10 minutes or so and I'd have to tab out & restart it before I could capture again
What the in the fiddlesticks does this mean?
"To jest potwierdzenie dostarczenia wiadomosci, ktora zostala wyslana na adres
Uwaga: To potwierdzenie dostarczenia wiadomosci oznacza tylko, ze wiadomosc zostala wyswietlona na komputerze adresata. Nie ma zadnej gwarancji, ze tresc tej wiadomosci zostala przeczytana lub zrozumiana."
jema: What the in the fiddlesticks does this mean?
"To jest potwierdzenie dostarczenia wiadomosci, ktora zostala wyslana na adres
Uwaga: To potwierdzenie dostarczenia wiadomosci oznacza tylko, ze wiadomosc zostala wyswietlona na komputerze adresata. Nie ma zadnej gwarancji, ze tresc tej wiadomosci zostala przeczytana lub zrozumiana."

This is a confirmation of delivery message that was sent to the address Note: To provide a confirmation message indicates only that the message has been displayed on the recipient computer. There is no guarantee that the content of this message has been read or understood.
(edit: Hrm, Google Translate munged the first part a bit. It makes it sound like the confirmation message was sent to, which doesn't make sense :P
Also, ubiquity FTW! ctrl+space -> "translate this")
Post edited April 01, 2009 by ZamFear