orcishgamer: For the same reason that a superior company would lose out against a worse performing monopolist: inertia (and the monopoly applying unfair pressure that had nothing to do with market desires). For the same reason it's hard for companies to compete if they pollute less and their competitors do not. There are other pressures involved aside from "smoking or not" and those other pressures submarine the whole thing, EVEN when the majority would prefer it.
Again, your examples are no-where near the situation being discussed. The company that pollutes less incurs the extra costs of doing so. A non-smoking bar has identical costs to a smoking one.. and according to you, would have the majority of customers. They should be rolling in money!
I asked you
why they are not and waving a hand at "inertia" isn't going to cut it. It'd be like saying that people are so used to paying for stuff, that a shop giving away things for free would have trouble getting people to come in and take stuff. You are basically telling me that a majority of customers don't care enough about wanting non-smoking to go to a bar that provides everything the same.. but without the smoke.
No, the situation is quite simple. People who want non-smoking bars are not willing to put the money, time or investment into creating and supporting non-smoking bars which would have also solved the problem, with the bonus of not stepping on anyone elses toes. They got offered a big gun (the law) that would make things how they wanted with no effort and no consequences. They took that offer? Shock and surprise abound!
I hate DRM. You know what I do about that? Give people who make DRM-free as much money as possible. Even if I don't succeed in making them more profitable than the DRM'd competition (and unfortunately, this is extremely unlikely to ever happen).. I'm helping make them profitable enough to
keep giving me what I want. Same with Linux gaming, software licenses, phone hardware and.. anything else where I can vote with my wallet.
orcishgamer: That is the exact reason we do certain things together via government, ideally that's the only way government would ever work: as a way to accomplish things we cannot do on our own.
Yes, and this isn't one of them. The government already provided the solution to the problem.. the option to start a business that caters to a customer base. The government was used less as a way of achieving a greater goal and more like a weapon to smite an enemy. A minority enemy no less, according to you.
orcishgamer: I'm confused why you have this question... if everyone has to operate according to rule X then everyone is on even footing. I.E. Post ban no one could have a smoking bar. Therefor everyone was on even footing and could compete on their other merits.
Post ban, no bar could sell anything other than water. Therefore, everyone was on even footing and could compete on their other merits.
What? That is what you are suggesting. That you are free to mandate things that would otherwise be merits to compete on, as long as there are some other merits remaining (and there always will be... physical proximity).
I don't see any reason why we can't get Linux mandated as the only operating system using this logic. There are plenty of distros so there would be plenty of "even footed" competition.
orcishgamer: I mean, there's a strip club owner that got popped in my town for tax dodging A LOT of money. It's not hard to see that he had a competitive advantage by not playing by the rules, is it? In his case he was able to open clubs more aggressively and hire away the best girls from the other clubs. This is why it's fairly important for everyone to have a base set of rules by which they must abide. We do this with a host of things. Smoking in bars isn't really isn't very different except it gets people all riled up for some reason.
Again, another terrible example because he had reduced costs. He had a competitive advantage by ignoring rules. Pre-ban, smoking bars were not ignoring any rules and there were no rules stopping non-smoking bars from existing.