Tallima: I read a C64 magazine ages ago and people were raving about how you could go in front of and behind a tree (much like the linked article on the GOG front page). People were astonished by what KQ did for PC gaming. And its affects are still present.
I think we need more parser adventure games.
Yeah, King's Quest was a truly eye-popping game back in the day. I also agree about the parser. I think it was Josh Mandel who said in an interview that he misses parser games because the switch to mouse control and using icons for everything really changed the feel of Sierra's games on a fundamental level and maybe not for the better.
Of the original games, I think King's Quest 3 was the first one I was able to beat without resorting to hints. It was a good feeling working everything out with respect to the schedule and creating to spells. Maybe I beat 2 also...can't remember. I probably would have been able to beat the first if not for the accursed Rumpelstiltskin puzzle.