Fenixp: Heh, I think you may throw away your fears carried over from other boards, after all we ARE on a site called 'Good old Games' :D
LOL, yeah, I'm ok with old graphics, and I'm sure many are, but I'm also sure that many base their opinion on the setting of a game world on how it looks, and thus, seems fair to warn them.
Fenixp: Nah, I find Krondor ecellent at supplementing one's own imagination. Graphics are basic, but you get a lot of descriptions and dialogue besides that, so it's not all that bad.
And yeah, I agree it's the imagination that makes the game world in that one. That and I think the unique chapter system (unique at the time) really helped the story flow well, yet still gave the user the entire world to explore if s/he wanted. It was my favorite all time game for many, many, many years. I've had a couple of experiences since that matched it, but none I can say have eclipsed it.
But I started playing it a couple of weeks ago (GOG version) on my newer computer with a 28" 1080P set up (1920X1080) and it was quite literally unplayable. You couldn't make out much of anything except large blurs. I learned how to size the DOXBOX down and that helped tremenously, but after the newer games those graphics can be quite a shock.
But yeah, it's definitely a classic, and I too love those where imagination creates the world. Because your imagination has no hardware limits!!