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The 360 controller should be perfect for the games you want it for. Only downside for me is the dpad, I don't like it for 2D games that much.
ktchong: What would you recommend?
Gaunathor: The Logitech F310 is pretty good. I've been using mine since last December and never had any problems.
I also recommend this controller. It's affordable and pretty responsive.

But if you want lightweight you can always go for PS3 controller.

Or more obscure option is the Final Fantasy XIV official controller thanks to its elongated handle making it much more comfortable.
ktchong: Supposedly the Logictech F-series gamepads have a "deadzone":
I have a F510 and its deadzones are practically nonexistent.
I used to swear by Logitech for years, but a while back they apparently had a bad batch of Wingman Rumblepads. I bought one and found that after 2 weeks the left stick would constantly read as if it was being pushed to the left when it wasn't.

I called Logitech and spoke to customer service. The tone of the CSR made it obvious that I was not the first, second, or 100th person to call in about this. I was told I would be mailed a new controller and they didn't even bother having me send the faulty controller back in. A couple weeks later I received my new gamepad. Two weeks later, yup, it's doing the exact same thing. I call customer service back again and they tell me they'll send another replacement. Two weeks later, I get it in the mail. Another 2 weeks, well, I think we know how this one ended up as well... I didn't even bother calling Logitech back. And I also never bothered to buy another Logitech gamepad again.

My replacement was an X-Box 360 controller. 6 years later and that puppy is still going like it's brand new.
ktchong: What would you recommend?
Well, I have a wired XBox360 Controller - and I love that thing! Works flawless and is nice to handle.

However, I often read from people that have wireless XBox360 Controllers, and that seems to be a cause for concern, sometimes.

So, if you're more the "wireless-type-of-player", you'd better get some more info before you decide if the (wireless) XBox360 Controller is the right for you.
I've had no troubles with the X-Box 360 Wireless...I do disconnect and pop the battery when not in use, but I haven't run into any problems. I read up on the troubles regarding the wireless version, but really it appears attributed to battery life. Using Pinnacle or Xpadder has turned out pretty good thus far.... Just my two cents.

Of course controllers are a matter of personal choice, and I concur that the the d-pad kinda sucks, but overall, none too shabby.
Darvond: Since I hate the shape of the 360 controller because I simply don't get it, I use a Logitech F310.

I plan to use a PS4 controller should they be compatible.
So do you experience any dead zone with your F310?

like the one in this video?
Darvond: Since I hate the shape of the 360 controller because I simply don't get it, I use a Logitech F310.

I plan to use a PS4 controller should they be compatible.
Messi_is_Messiah: So do you experience any dead zone with your F310?

like the one in this video?
Not really. On the other hand, I haven't really had many things to use the sticks with.
BreOl72: ...
Wireless works great for me as well. Besides, there's no point in having a controller when I can't get up from the mouse and keyboard anyway, so wireless all the way :-P

-You have access to X-input (Xbox 360)
-Direct-Input (programmable with mouse and keyboard and works with old school games by default (before X-input existed))
-Mapping software for 360 game pads works with it if you leave the pad set to X-Input
-Comfy Playstation controller design

There's only one annoying issue with the Logitech pad.

There's a fluke that causes it's triggers to go analogue when set to X-Input

Most of the time this isn't much of problem but in some games like Bioshock where you're meant to swing rapidly with your wrench the analogue triggers become a hindrance so in instances like that you'll find yourself scrambling for the default game pad layout ini to swap triggers with shoulders.

Also some developers have botched the game pad config so it's MS brand or die. For instance if you want to play "Bleed" you're going to have to put up with right analog stick acting exactly as your mouse would (with retracting cross hair) as opposed to more practical arm-waving motions (without the sloppy cross hair) if you use an MS specific pad but I think this is usually end result of MS bias on the developer's part and does not happen very much.

As matter of fact I think Bleed is the only game coming to memory where full pad support was not granted if MS brand was not detected.

Oh, one other thing that has been a problem recently since I began Assault Android Cactus and Max Payne 3 - The X-Input 'analogue' issue has resulted in an accidentally locked trigger in those two games. Cactus isn't too much of a hassle but on random occasions in Payne 3 you'll pick up a new weapon only to begin spending it's cartridge until you manage to Right Trigger analog off again.
Post edited September 15, 2013 by carnival73
I've been thinking of getting a Logitech pad as it looks more what I like (playstation or nintendo, never liked xbox) but I hate it when the buttons on the D-pad is glued together so if you press Up it's very likely you'll press Right or Left too. I currently use a Wii Classic Controller and the D-pads works like that, granted they're really small that may be one of the reasons it happens but it's still an issue.

According to the site the Logitech controller has four individual switches which sound exactly what I want.

Carnival, do you own the wired or wireless version?
Post edited September 15, 2013 by Nirth
Initially I was seriously considering buying a Logitech controller... until I found out about the "dead zone" issue. For people who have a Logitech gamepad: how big is it an issue? Can the "dead zone" be adjusted/fixed?
ktchong: Initially I was seriously considering buying a Logitech controller... until I found out about the "dead zone" issue. For people who have a Logitech gamepad: how big is it an issue? Can the "dead zone" be adjusted/fixed?
I, personally, haven't really noticed it.
ktchong: Initially I was seriously considering buying a Logitech controller... until I found out about the "dead zone" issue. For people who have a Logitech gamepad: how big is it an issue? Can the "dead zone" be adjusted/fixed?
Strijkbout: If that is true you shouldn't buy it, though Logitech's profiler software allows for deadzone adjustment and these videos might just be somekind of scam.
I prefer to use softwares to control my games so if that's possible it wouldn't be an issue for me.
Post edited September 15, 2013 by Nirth
The official Xbox controller for PC. I have played a lot of games (Alan Wake, Tomb Raider, Super Meat Boy, Braid, etc.) and using it is smoothless. I only had to install driver, games display buttons hints correctly, no additional work. And the cable is long enough to sit on the couch while playing.
Post edited September 15, 2013 by Mivas