SirEyeball: Frontier Elite 2 it has not been topped in my opinion
This. The space sandbox genre has really been a pale shadow of itself and hasn't developed in any significant way since Frontier came out. First Encounters refined it slightly, but it was a buggy mess. The X series is great, but it has no planetary landings, which makes it feel a little unspectacular somehow.
I'm still waiting for a space sandbox trading/exploration game that provides full physics simulation à la Frontier, great economics à la the X3 series, full planetary landings and the ability to walk around and out of the ship seamlessly into cities. I want to be able to walk into my cargo hold and see my cargo while my ship is flying on autopilot. I want to be able to walk to my quarters on my own ship and see the planet my ship is orbiting.
Rodina looks to be closest to this at the moment, although it seems to be lacking the civilisation aspect of it. I do think we're at a technological stage where this is possible though.