Fenixp: Chaser - Chaser is good for one thing: It's length. It's really, really long, it's got plenty of weapons, and gets quite variable as well. However, while different areas are really varied, the level themselves are not. When you enter an area, you often just walk trough the pretty much same corridor until you get to the next level. Also there are some collision detection issues where you can't go trough 2mm high rubble on the floor, and enemies instantly react to your presence and are 100% accurate, which is annoying. 4/10, would not bang.
Chaser has the dubious distinction, in my mind, of being the first GOG title that truly disappointed me. The start of the game goes really well, setting the tone for a Total Recall-esque plot, but by the time you reach the midpoint of the game you soon realize that you've been fighting the same, tirelessly repetitive generic corridor shooter - with the same tirelessly repetitive textures and architecture - ever since the second level. A lot of the levels were just plain not fun to play, save for the Japanese hotel mission.
The idea of contemporary weapons in a futuristic FPS also loses its novelty fast when you realize that many of them are almost practically identical; I ended up not caring and just used whatever my enemies at the time were using.
To add further insult to injury, the ending is terrible. Not Revenge of the Sith-terrible, or ME3-terrible, but just plain dumb, with the final scene essentially rendering the entire game irrelevant to the course of the plot.