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Hello all, how are we doing today? :3

Anyway, i have always wanted to have a discussion about this to see other peoples views on this, and GOG actually seems like the right place to have this discussion.

As the title says, What are the best and worst game shotguns you have ever used?

For me i would say any i.d software game has great satisfying shotguns, all the quake games, and rage continues a realistic feel (short range high damage high kick) satisfying shotgun, also Stalker series shotguns are exactly what you expect, you know if you get too close to one = game over

As for worst, i have been playing red faction 1 as of late, and the shotgun is very weak and dull, its not the worst ever, there is a game i have been playing recently where its absolutely pants but i cant remember the name of it :/

Have a think about it, im sure i can think of more, back in the 90's shotguns were classed as OP in most games, now today they tend to be weak and boring to even use :/
Best: Doom 2 SuperShotgun. Obvious reasons, honestly. If you haven't played with the doom 2 super shotgun you have not played enough games.

Runner up? Killing Floor's Hunting Shotgun. It is seriously the second best. Such good sound, So satisfying when it turns zeds into gibs and a fine red mist. Oh yes. Yes.

Worst: Borderlands' rocket shotgun. It sounds good. A shotgun that shoots rockets.
It sucks, it has no accuracy, the rockets take too long to reach the target, the boom is not satisfying. It IS COOL that it is a shotgun that shoots rockets AND is a revolver. But it sucks so bad.

Hard Reset
Shadow Warrior
Sleeping Dogs

I have yet to encounter a bad shotgun in a game.
Worst shotgun? NAM.

Best shotgun? Doom. Specifically Doom 2's Super Shotgun.
Durke Numken's King was pretty good, but yes nothing beats DOOM's shotguns that is on par with Quake 2's super shotgun, honorable mention to dead space quasi shotgun : the force gun, that tears apart most enemies up close.
Post edited February 12, 2014 by Narakir
Doom2 of course.
Other than that, Half life 1&2 both have very good shotguns. GTAIV's shotgun had a very visceral feel to it I remember. Oh and of course Unreal+Unreal Tournament - the series has the most devastating shotgun-like weapon : the dreaded flak cannon
Best shotgunS are in Turok. nuf' said.
I myself am partial to the Painkiller shotgun for best, but worst is no contest; TK's wave from borderlands. A gun that fires a bunch of slow moving, ineffective projectiles in a pattern that guarantees 90% won't hit anything. Brilliant.
Already mentioned, but Doom 2 "Super Shotgun".

Maybe the "Tactical 12-guage" from TimeSplitters 2, though maybe I just suck with it.

I guess I'll also have give a special mention to the "Depezador" from E.Y.E.: Divine Cybermancy.
It has the odd distinction of being one of the few shotguns I've ever encountered in a video game that *gasp* has a spread reasonable for a shotgun of its length, and could conceivably hit a clay pigeon!
You could actually hit people across a street with all of the pellets.
Post edited February 13, 2014 by paul1290
I'm probably in the minority here, but I vastly prefer the regular Doom shotgun to the super shotgun. It has a much tighter spread and is substantially faster. The super is very nice for big things like mancubi or cacodemons where you can hit them with every pellet, but I find it to be tactically inferior for most enemies.
I never understood why everyone liked the super shotgun. The standard shotgun fires faster and has less spread, and can kill an imp in one shot. There is almost no situation where I would use the super instead of the standard one, a possible exception being close quarters with tough enemies that I can kill with two shells but not one. But if you are close to tough enemies they kill you... stay away and use the standard shotgun.

bevinator: Exactly!
Post edited February 13, 2014 by _Bruce_
The original Soldier of Fortune's shotgun was awesome!

Doom 3 shotgun on the other hand felt somewhat not so powerful.
-I just finished Binary Domain, and refused to let go of my pump action shotgun. It is an excellent weapon with great power and range, but you can only carry 20 rounds for it :P
-I found the "Shotgonnes" in Torchlight 2 very satisfying.
-I thought New Vegas had a few good ones. The large variety of ammo types made them really fun to use. I prefer the hunting shotgun equipped with lower spread and larger magazine modifications.
-The "Eliminator" from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. CoP is a great gun. I like to attach a 1.6x SUSAT scope to it.
-Possibly my favorite is the VK-12 Combat Shotgun from F.E.A.R. Just the power of that thing... Makes me happy. It explodes people if you are close enough.

The worst...
-Command & Conquer: Renegade had a completely useless one. It was only in multiplayer, and you pretty much had to be hugging your enemy for it to do damage, and even then, only aiming at the head was effective (usually.)
-The Locomotive 12G from PAYDAY. A secondary weapon, it is small and fast, but insanely weak. It can take down unarmored targets decently, but once SWAT shows up, it is useless.
The automatic shotgun in Rainbow Six: Raven Shield ! USAS-12
At least it's good for lols.
Post edited February 13, 2014 by Daliz
_Bruce_: I never understood why everyone liked the super shotgun. The standard shotgun fires faster and has less spread, and can kill an imp in one shot. There is almost no situation where I would use the super instead of the standard one, a possible exception being close quarters with tough enemies that I can kill with two shells but not one. But if you are close to tough enemies they kill you... stay away and use the standard shotgun.

bevinator: Exactly!
Sure, you can snipe with the regular one.
BUt the Super has a better sound. And a better feel. It's just more satisfying to UNLOAD both barrels.

It's not a question about applicability or practicality, it is a question of how it feels and sounds, and there, the Super is superior.