Dischord: Am cut of the old cloth, and won't pay to be inconvenienced by their shenanigans.
Every thing someone thinks up is a reason to inconvenience and overcharge you.. Let those that know no better try to keep their trough filled.
Well obviously we have different backgrounds. :) I remember how Transaero (now second biggest Russian airline company) bluntly refused to hire any ex-Aeroflot workers. They claimed they were "spoilt beyond salvation". :) Also I remember how I could never get any second soda drink on Aeroflot flights in USSR. Only now as an adult I realize the angry look on cabin crew faces probaly was caused by them trying to make their own "small business" of reselling "leftover" soda after the flights....
I also do agree we should try to support those who deserve it. That is why I always try to avoid Aeroflot like plague. But than military flights are not an option for me. :)
Rodzaju: I'd never heard of Putin back in 1995.
Come to think of it, I'd never heard of Belarus either!
The polish family I was staying with told me that we were going to Russia!!
Then again, with further benefit of hindsight, that family was never particularly close to truthful, but that's another story entirely....
In 1995 he was still.... busy in St. Petersburg, indeed. We had Yeltsin at the time. And yeah that means you were there illegally. :)