Brasas: Well, other examples of situations which finished well or badly (subjective opinions) are not some kind of law of what must happen, neither are they a pure fantasy for you to dream about.
Your particulars are of course unique, even if they rhyme with other experiences, and although I probably disagree with you on what you should do, I won't throw stones, like others in the thread, and assume you are acting from a position of malice. Idealistic love can lead to many bad outcomes, but so can any idealism and ideology. I think you understand that the aggressive replies you got are from people for whom your disrespect of the husband is the main aspect in this. And I'd agree with them you're not acting honorably in that, just I don't think that's your main problem.
So a final comment and a final question(s).
The comment is, that sharing personal circunstances like this and leaving yourself open to criticism is neither good nor bad - remember that both those of us supportive and those critical are not in your shoes. You know better than all of us, which of course only means you know very little to our nothing. With other people's feelings that's usually the case :)
The question, and I'll understand if you don't want to answer, or only via PM, as that's not why you opened the thread. What do you actually want from this woman? What would you say she wants from you?
Thanks for your response, its exactly like that, and yes i should know better to know about reactions in general here, but that's why i was so not wanting the discussion about wether its right or wrong, but rather how people dealt with it. And i probably get the angry reactions from the ones who are married.
I answered that a few replies ago, all i want for this moment is a friendship and nothing else, but one that includes meeting up (which she is holding back on) if certain feelings come back then i dont know but not on my mind.
Offcourse i fell in love many times before, but with her and me i think it's a deep spiritual connection, and i dont think we met by accident in a spiritual chatroom, for me it's different with her. Maybe we both had to learn a lesson and have to move on, or maybe it's meant to be that we still have to be together regardless of the form.
We both have tried ending contact in the past but on both sides we couldn't and ended up seeking contact again.
As for her, she is conflicted, in her words, holding back on words (especially whenever it considers feelings or me wanting to meet up), then again i can't talk about her about certain things because those are painful for me.
We are at a point again where anything results to discussions and i am afraid it might just be the last time, this time.
And if not now, most likely in the future.