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Delixe: Would only really work if I updated my blog which I haven't done in months. Let me get some posts done and you can steal it to your hearts content.
It's all right. I'll just cut and paste from several different entries to make new ones. No one will notice ;)
This thread also proves how pointless rating posts is.

Yeah a witchhunt. As loyal subordinate to his highness The Imperator i can only support such behaviour. Go on loyal citizens, destroy the xenos, kill the alien and cleanse the unclean. I will ask a fellow Inquisitor to help you in your holy crusade. But beware of Exterminatus, if he finds to much filth on your planet.

Have a nice weekend.
I like how this is one of the smallest gaming sites but we have more memes and scandals than most others.
Phosphenes: I like how this is one of the smallest gaming sites but we have more memes and scandals than most others.


*brandishes e-club*
Navagon: Porno sites? Those things still exist? I thought people just torrented their porn these days?
Zchinque: Porno torrents? Those things still exist? I thought people just tubed their porn these days?
Porno streams? Those things still exist? I thought people just bought sex robots these days?
Zchinque: Porno torrents? Those things still exist? I thought people just tubed their porn these days?
brendano: Porno streams? Those things still exist? I thought people just bought sex robots these days?
Robots? I thought people were just outsourcing their porn needs to India now-a-days?
brendano: Porno streams? Those things still exist? I thought people just bought sex robots these days?
enterprise2004: Robots? I thought people were just outsourcing their porn needs to India now-a-days?
Oh sorry were you guys doing a bit there? Oops.
low rated
zebber: I'm really surprised this incident got this much attention, or this much of a reaction.

In a lot of cases, the reviews on GOG are short, poorly written declarations of nostalgic fervor. I often ignore them entirely, and I've only written a couple when I felt very, very strongly about a game.

It's interesting to see this stir such emotion and ridicule.
yeah, to be honest I kind of feel the same way

I never expected some people to go through some of these great lengths just to see if some reviews are "original" or not

As I have said before: I apologized for this incident and I just hope that a staff member can delete these reviews off the game pages...maybe I should send a support ticket myself....the Zork nemesis review was already deleted btw, I am assuming I have to thank Vagabond's ticket for that...

now that that's over I'll await as this post gets a thousand negative rep for no real reason
Roman5: yeah, to be honest I kind of feel the same way
All right, I originally wanted to stay away from this thread, but I'm afraid I can't let this pass:

You just don't get it, do you? You do not understand that what you did matters. Yes, it's just a bunch of short reviews no one really reads, no harm done, etc. But no matter how you cut it, plagiarism is an offence. Perhaps not legal (I couldn't care less about that) but definitely moral. I do not want to start waving the piracy flag too vehemently here, but what you did is intellectual property infringement. Think about that for a minute, please.

Roman5: I never expected some people to go through some of these great lengths just to see if some reviews are "original" or not
Don't flatter yourself, pal. I did it over breakfast, took 15 minutes tops. I do have time to waste, but I'm definitely not going to waste it on you. And the quotation marks around original? They have no business there. That's part of the problem, you see?

Roman5: As I have said before: I apologized for this incident
And with this post, you have proven that the apology was insincere. You simply do not see a problem with what you did. Screw that, Roman. I firmly believe in this: either you do a thing properly, or you don't do it at all. Which includes writing reviews as well as apologies.

Roman5: now that that's over I'll await as this post gets a thousand negative rep for no real reason
There is a reason, a very real one. And FYI, after I click on "Post my message", I'm going to go back in the thread and do what I didn't before: put a nice red minus next to the half-arsed apology you did there.

If you wanted to let this thread die, you shouldn't have posted in it again. Think of it this way: you stepped into shit. You could just silently wipe it away and be more careful next time; instead, you chose to dance in it. Well, knock yourself out.
low rated
bazilisek: Words.
...well, that seems overly harsh. Nor do I see why Roman5's most recent post was so vehemently downrated. Then again, I'm still trying to figure out why two of my posts in the joke topic based on this thread were low rated. Just a heads up, Roman5. People here like small, stupid joke topics even less than plagiarism. >_>

Also, they've proven that they don't know how to favorite threads and get incredibly flustered when they open the wrong one. I think the down rep was worth learning the results of this little experiment. It's incredibly odd behavior.
Post edited March 07, 2011 by LordKuruku
Its the work of chaos dear LordKuruku, Chaos i say.

Have a nice day.
The question is, to what extent have you been doing this outside of reviews? If you did this in a college environment you would have found yourself kicked out of that particular school and blacklisted from many others.
Just bumping this to counter Roman's ridiculous "I'm always right" thread. ;)
SirPrimalform: Just bumping this to counter Roman's ridiculous "I'm always right" thread. ;)
Attention seekers don't care if they are right or wrong, as long as people are talking about it....