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Glad someone pointed this out. If you're that passionate about a game, take the time to write your own review, especially if you want any credibility amongst people. Also if you have any respect for GOG you wouldn't be throwing text, especially from paid reviewers, on their site and passing it off as your own. I highly doubt it'd cause any major trouble for GOG but I shouldn't imagine they'd be appreciative when one of the original author's complains that the top review on a game has been stolen from their review.

At the moment I should think that most people who've read this thread are going to be thinking something along the lines of "prat" or pitying you when they see one of your reviews or an image etc you claim is yours. Don't be so desperate to get noticed that the only capacity you're noticed in, is as the village idiot; I'm sure you have intelligence so utilize it and get noticed for something worthwhile.

Edit: Contemplated plagiarising the boy who cried wolf for this response.
Post edited March 02, 2011 by serpantino
You plagarized reviews because you wanted to see your name on the gamecard and have stars next to it? Seriously? You show your immaturity more and more everyday.

On TES: I too am a massive fan but you certainly don't see me spazzing and already saying "Herp a derp, Skyrim sucks before it's even out". I'm doing that thing called waiting til the game comes out. There are some minor things I am unsure of (mainly the perk system, it could be awesome but if it's just a rehash of FO3 perks I'll be a little grumpy), but aside from that I am 100% excited for Skyrim's release (especially cause I love Nords and I'm so very excited to be going to Skyrim!).

Same goes for DA2. I was initially frustrated by the fact that it's no longer quite as BGesque, but really DAO was kind of like a tribute to BG (the closest thing we're getting to a BG3 really as far as I'm concerned), and DA2 is going off in it's own direction. I love BioWare, they haven't really let me down yet so as long as DA2 is worthwhile, I have nothing to really complain about.

You wear your "It's different so it sucks" glasses way too much, and that is *not* having an open mind.
Roman5: I DO have an open mind
To other peoples ideas, certainly.
Roman5: just some of my opinions
are you sure about that?

Seriously though, I have to shake my head once more, as, again, you are making a judgement call about a game that is not out yet, based upon tidbits of information, and deciding that it will be bad. You say you want this to be good, but 'everything I have seen and read so far indicates otherwise.' The sum total of what you have seen is practically nil. Can you even comprehend the possibility that Skyrim will be good without a few uneccessary character attribute modifiers? Is it possible that the most elaborate set of bells and whistles is not automatically the best?
CalamityRanger: I am 100% excited for Skyrim's release (especially cause I love Nords and I'm so very excited to be going to Skyrim!).
You and me both brother.... you and me both...
CalamityRanger: I am 100% excited for Skyrim's release (especially cause I love Nords and I'm so very excited to be going to Skyrim!).
Roberttitus: You and me both brother.... you and me both...
Sister, I am a lady. :) I'm really glad to hear you're excited to go to Skyrim too. On another forum I go to we were discussing where we hope TESV takes place (before the full announcement came out) and I went on a ramble about how I really hoped it was either Skyrim or Elsweyr and then after the announcement came out I was so overjoyed that my wish was coming true! :D I know we got a taste of Nordland with Blood Moon but now we're *really* going to be in the home of the Nords.

I'm rambling, way too excited over this game. :P
Roberttitus: You and me both brother.... you and me both...
CalamityRanger: Sister, I am a lady. :) I'm really glad to hear you're excited to go to Skyrim too. On another forum I go to we were discussing where we hope TESV takes place (before the full announcement came out) and I went on a ramble about how I really hoped it was either Skyrim or Elsweyr and then after the announcement came out I was so overjoyed that my wish was coming true! :D I know we got a taste of Nordland with Blood Moon but now we're *really* going to be in the home of the Nords.

I'm rambling, way too excited over this game. :P
I swear to God... I knew if I said brother, you would turn out to be a woman... Maybe I need to start listening to my gut more =)

The Nords are my favorite Race in the Elder Scrolls "lore". I have always picked a Nord character in every one of my playthroughs of Morrowind & Oblivion (& even in the like 30 minutes I spent in Daggerfall I chose to be a Nord). Needless to say, I was more than pleased that I would finally get to explore the homeland of my favorite race. I'm also glad they didn't decide to go with a just straight out snow covered world... there appears to be forests & the such as well which will certainly be a welcome break from all that white.
Roberttitus: I swear to God... I knew if I said brother, you would turn out to be a woman... Maybe I need to start listening to my gut more =)

The Nords are my favorite Race in the Elder Scrolls "lore". I have always picked a Nord character in every one of my playthroughs of Morrowind & Oblivion (& even in the like 30 minutes I spent in Daggerfall I chose to be a Nord). Needless to say, I was more than pleased that I would finally get to explore the homeland of my favorite race. I'm also glad they didn't decide to go with a just straight out snow covered world... there appears to be forests & the such as well which will certainly be a welcome break from all that white.
Hey it's no problem, the intertron leaves gender completely ambiguous. I find myself often rewriting a general thing like if I say "Thanks guys..." I'll end up changing it to "Thanks gang" just incase. :P No worries at all though. :3

In Oblivion I spent a ton of time just wandering around Bruma since I knew it was heavily Nord occupied. :P In Daggerfall I usually play Khajiit cause I love those too and Daggerfall uses the Ohmes-Raht Khajiit which I think are pretty awesome. I play the PC version of both Morrowind and Oblivion so I use custom races now, but on original Oblivion release before the mods actually existed, I made a Nord. I know I'll definitely be doing the same as far as Skyrim is concerned,

I'm also really excited by the fact that the areas actually seem interesting as far as the region is concerned. That's probably one of my biggest complaints with Oblivion even after it's modded to the teeth, the landscape is still mostly grassland and just general uninteresting geography.
CalamityRanger: Hey it's no problem, the intertron leaves gender completely ambiguous. I find myself often rewriting a general thing like if I say "Thanks guys..." I'll end up changing it to "Thanks gang" just incase. :P No worries at all though. :3

In Oblivion I spent a ton of time just wandering around Bruma since I knew it was heavily Nord occupied. :P In Daggerfall I usually play Khajiit cause I love those too and Daggerfall uses the Ohmes-Raht Khajiit which I think are pretty awesome. I play the PC version of both Morrowind and Oblivion so I use custom races now, but on original Oblivion release before the mods actually existed, I made a Nord. I know I'll definitely be doing the same as far as Skyrim is concerned,

I'm also really excited by the fact that the areas actually seem interesting as far as the region is concerned. That's probably one of my biggest complaints with Oblivion even after it's modded to the teeth, the landscape is still mostly grassland and just general uninteresting geography.
I should only hope my PC will run the game.... I started out playing Morrowind on the XBOX & loved it. Then I played Oblivion on the 360 & loved it almost as much (it is one of the few games I have 100% of the Achievements for). Then about 6 months ago I decided to buy Morrowind for the PC & that changed everything.... the Mods MADE the game. I'm not sure that I can go back to playing the Elder Scrolls games on Consoles (& that is one of the few times I can honestly say that). Still I know the base game will be good (after they release the inevitable 20+ patches to fix it =/) & I will play it regardless. I must admit I am also rather happy that the decided to implement 2 sword style into the game as well.... that will make it feel at least somewhat fresh.
Roman5: I was worried about Fallout 3 a lot and that turned out to be fine so we will see but I'm not holding my breath
I take all previews with a pinch of salt. No matter the reviewer/previewer it's always written with the bias of the person writing it. Only today Eurogamer has decided to publish an article with the headline "Dragon Age 2 shorter than Dragon Age: Origins". It's nice and snappy and guaranteed to get high page views because it appeals to people like you who hang on every preview ready to start a new thread on GameFAQs stating "This is going to suck because...". Going in to read the article it quotes Mike Laidlaw from THREE weeks ago stating that DA2 is longer than ME2 but smaller than Origins but that YMMV as there is more optional content in DA2 than there was in DA:O. The article then concludes that DA2 may in fact be LONGER than DA:O if the player is more keen on finding sidequests whereas someone who has only the interest in blasting through the main quest may finish it just as quickly as ME2.

Previews are written to get page views and the more they appeal to the negative the more they get. People are always more interested in the bad than they are in the good. Consequently you look at the previews so far on Skyrim and they have focussed on the content that has been cut not the new content because it's the stuff thats been cut that we like to whine and bitch about. Remember all the people who cried that Obsidian has cut small guns and big guns and replaced them with guns in Fallout: New Vegas? "OMG they are simplifying it and making it like a console game!" no, it made the game much better IMO. Similarly Bethesda are dropping some skills. So? Until you play it you can't say it isn't an improvement.

Let me just say this: Streamlining is not the same as cutting stuff out. Sometimes a system needs to be pruned to make it better. Consider DA:O and the useless spell talents you had to buy before you could get Mana Clash. Their new system doesn't have that stupid limitation and I for one think that's a good thing. Games need to evolve and they can't do that if games are continually compared to Baldur's Gate.

If you want final proof of just how biased and useless previews are then just take a look at the previews of any Halo game. Hell any game where the publisher has lavished free stuff on the reviewers to curry favour like Kane & Lynch: Dead Men or Elemental: War of Magic. The best case is that reviewers are simply biased, A guy who hates shooters will give a bad score/preview to a shooter (Aliens Vs Predator), in the worst case the reviewer will simply lie just to get something (first access/free holiday/a cheque for $1000). Going by that I won't trust anything a magazine or website says. Even Rock, Paper, Shotgun have disgraced themselves in the past with their review of Fallout: New Vegas and they are regarded as one of the best.
CalamityRanger: Sister, I am a lady. :) I'm really glad to hear you're excited to go to Skyrim too. On another forum I go to we were discussing where we hope TESV takes place (before the full announcement came out) and I went on a ramble about how I really hoped it was either Skyrim or Elsweyr and then after the announcement came out I was so overjoyed that my wish was coming true! :D I know we got a taste of Nordland with Blood Moon but now we're *really* going to be in the home of the Nords.

I'm rambling, way too excited over this game. :P
Roberttitus: I swear to God... I knew if I said brother, you would turn out to be a woman... Maybe I need to start listening to my gut more =)

The Nords are my favorite Race in the Elder Scrolls "lore". I have always picked a Nord character in every one of my playthroughs of Morrowind & Oblivion (& even in the like 30 minutes I spent in Daggerfall I chose to be a Nord). Needless to say, I was more than pleased that I would finally get to explore the homeland of my favorite race. I'm also glad they didn't decide to go with a just straight out snow covered world... there appears to be forests & the such as well which will certainly be a welcome break from all that white.
I must admit, while I couldn't really get into Oblivion or Morrowind (despite loving the concept behind them), I did always like the Nords, and love the idea of playing in a nordic setting done right. Hopefully I'll be able to get into this one (did love Daggerfall ironically enough, I think it was the way characters were portrayed in the last two that annoyed me). Course, the fact that I usually played my nordic characters as female warriors might indicate that I just have a thing for viking women...

As to the original topic of this thread: I think we all need to remember gentlemen (and ladies apparently) is that here at GOG we stick together and don't publicly turn on each other. We stand next to our brother (or sister apparently) officially, and then deny all knowledge when they mysteriously disappear while on a holiday to the north pole. Swimming. With sharks. So then gentlemen (and ladies), I trust we shall all have our alibis sorted in advance, right?

Just teasing ya Roman. :P
Roberttitus: I should only hope my PC will run the game.... I started out playing Morrowind on the XBOX & loved it. Then I played Oblivion on the 360 & loved it almost as much (it is one of the few games I have 100% of the Achievements for). Then about 6 months ago I decided to buy Morrowind for the PC & that changed everything.... the Mods MADE the game. I'm not sure that I can go back to playing the Elder Scrolls games on Consoles (& that is one of the few times I can honestly say that). Still I know the base game will be good (after they release the inevitable 20+ patches to fix it =/) & I will play it regardless. I must admit I am also rather happy that the decided to implement 2 sword style into the game as well.... that will make it feel at least somewhat fresh.
I'm honestly planning to use a chunk of my tax money to upgrade my 4 year old computer to make sure it *can* run Skyrim. :P I'm really looking forward to seeing the engine that Bethesda makes for the game since let's face it, Gamebryo was bloated and a cranky engine. I figure one they're creating themselves will cooperate quite nicely and be a bit more optimized (it'll probably still need some patching though, Balmora springs to mind as making Morrowind freak out even on modern computers :P). Morrowind I don't mod too heavily (mainly custom, the better bodies\heads races and quests) cause I love it the way it is. Oblivion on the otherhand, I could never play unmodded again. :S

The two sword fighting style has me super excited. I always play duel wielding characters so it's going to be such a blast to have it actually put into the game by the creators. That's one thing I can really give Bethesda credit for, they look at what people are modding into their games and building off of that. It shows that they really do pay attention to their fans.
CalamityRanger: The two sword fighting style has me super excited. I always play duel wielding characters so it's going to be such a blast to have it actually put into the game by the creators. That's one thing I can really give Bethesda credit for, they look at what people are modding into their games and building off of that. It shows that they really do pay attention to their fans.
Wait? There is a mod that lets you do that? Is there one for Morrowind by any chance?
CalamityRanger: The two sword fighting style has me super excited. I always play duel wielding characters so it's going to be such a blast to have it actually put into the game by the creators. That's one thing I can really give Bethesda credit for, they look at what people are modding into their games and building off of that. It shows that they really do pay attention to their fans.
Roberttitus: Wait? There is a mod that lets you do that? Is there one for Morrowind by any chance?
Mhmmm, for Oblivion there is. I haven't tried it yet since when I last read about it, the mod was still kind of clunky and in beta but maybe it's been ironed out more. I don't know if there is one for Morrowind but I'd be quite the happy camper if there is. I'll do some research for us both and let you know what I find. :D
Post edited March 02, 2011 by CalamityRanger
CalamityRanger: Mhmmm, for Oblivion there is. I haven't tried it yet since when I last read about it, the mod was still kind of clunky and in beta but maybe it's been ironed out more. I don't know if there is one for Morrowind but I'd be quite the happy camper if there is. I'll do some research for us both and let you know what I find. :D
I anxiously await the results of your searching =)
Roman5 is guilty of... dun dun dun, being a bonehead.

Come on, be honest, we've all been boneheads about something in life. It's not like the dude's never contributed to a discussion on GOG.