Delixe: The Dragon Age thread is one example, the Skyrim one another and there have been others where you have felt compelled to comment just to say "The devs are doing this..." or "This game will suck because..." without any evidence other than screenshots and magazine previews to go on.
You don't seem to keep an open mind and instead form an opinion based on the opinions of others which is why I was not surprised you copied the reviews of others and passed them off as your own in reviews here.
You do realise that it's already been confirmed that there will be less skills and many other things that will simplify the game even further? like the Removal of Birthsigns? And less weapon types?
I DO have an open mind and the thing is, being a massive eldescrolls fan I really and desperately WANT this game to be good however everything that I have seen and read so far indicates otherwise
I was worried about Fallout 3 a lot and that turned out to be fine so we will see but I'm not holding my breath
just some of my opinions