So far, it looks like Metal Drift is fun, kind of reminds me of Locus with tanks, but even given the $1 price point, and the fact that Metal Drift is only ~53MB, the servers are pretty much dead still. Maybe in the coming 24 hours, it'll start to pick up.
Haven't tried Revelations 2012, but after watching TotalBiscuit/TotalHalibut's review on it, I'm looking for a few good laughs.
Guns of Icarus is a good game to play if you want a decent, unique co-op experience. The next incarnation, which is going to be much more multiplayer oriented (and is not a free to play game, despite what everyone in Groupees chat thinks) is somewhat like the GoI version of AirBuccaneers and I think it's pretty awesome. The amount of teamwork required is astounding, and I like that.
Zero Gear is a fun racer, sort of in the vein of Mario Kart, but unlike Mario Kart, all of the powerups feel relatively useless, and that bothered me. They just lacked a certain punch.
I also haven't tried Laxius Force, but the GamersGate reviews of it are good. It's nice to see that this version is DRM-free, too, after the GG version had SecuROM. Given that fact, I wish they had the other ones in this bundle too, so I could get them DRM-free.
Post edited August 23, 2012 by johnki