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Game looks like old Battle Isle! (tbs game)
Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention, the game looks extremely promising (and gorgeous visually, I might add)!
The fact it's being made by KING Art came as a bit of a surprise to me.
Interesting. Looks like Kickstarter will only contribute 1/3 of the costs to the final project. Hmmmm.But then i guess they are well on the way to alpha from what it looks like..Glad they are upfront about being DRM free and making a strong AI :)
They have been planning the game since 2005. I stumbled over it around 2010, at a time where they received very good critics and perception to their adventure game “The Book of Unwritten Tales”. Unfortunately the publisher for the German market went bankrupt (or something similar), so they didn’t see a single cent. :( They had to wait for the international sales and the game’s sequel in 2011.
Now it seems they have saved enough money (the boss is an expert in economy, studied something) and are quite motivated to work on their dream. :)

I’m especially happy because I’m working / living in the same city as KING Art. A friend of mine even worked some months for them as a trainee, he implemented two games of the Murphy series (Flash games).

And last but not least: the game looks quite fun! :) Finally a nice turn-based strategy in sci-fi setting, and (I hope) without lucky elements, unlike Battle for Wesnoth.
It’s a bit unsual using Kickstarter, because it’s a pure American thing (you’ll need a company’s branch in the USA, people from Germany need a credit card which is unusual here, etc.) – but it seems also many other people want this, so it will be very successful. :)
Isn't Kronos the Klingon homeworld in Star Trek?

They might have some copyright issues if they move forward with that name...
nijuu: Interesting. Looks like Kickstarter will only contribute 1/3 of the costs to the final project. Hmmmm.But then i guess they are well on the way to alpha from what it looks like..Glad they are upfront about being DRM free and making a strong AI :)
Yes, the plan and pre-alphas are more than seven years old. They sure have refined it over the years. Also it was initially planned as a 2D-iso game, but now it will be 3D with iso view – much better. You still can see older screenshots here: (summer 2006!)

The DRM free part is nice, I hope they will get a start on GOG, since the reception is already very good.
yyahoo: Isn't Kronos the Klingon homeworld in Star Trek?

They might have some copyright issues if they move forward with that name...
No, that’s Qo’noS
Post edited March 20, 2013 by ZivilSword
nijuu: Interesting. Looks like Kickstarter will only contribute 1/3 of the costs to the final project. Hmmmm.But then i guess they are well on the way to alpha from what it looks like..Glad they are upfront about being DRM free and making a strong AI :)
ZivilSword: Yes, the plan and pre-alphas are more than seven years old. They sure have refined it over the years. Also it was initially planned as a 2D-iso game, but now it will be 3D with iso view – much better. You still can see older screenshots here: (summer 2006!)

The DRM free part is nice, I hope they will get a start on GOG, since the reception is already very good.
yyahoo: Isn't Kronos the Klingon homeworld in Star Trek?

They might have some copyright issues if they move forward with that name...
ZivilSword: No, that’s Qo’noS
Yeah, but isn't Kronos the "English" spelling? Regardless, they'd be better off at least changing the spelling to have it maybe begin with a "C" instead...
yyahoo: Yeah, but isn't Kronos the "English" spelling? Regardless, they'd be better off at least changing the spelling to have it maybe begin with a "C" instead...
That's ridiculous, you know.
Unless they specifically trademarked that name, everyone else has the right to use it. Just because a well-known IP used a certain name for a character or a location doesn't mean no one else can, unless it's a very recognizable one. We'd quickly run out of usable names if that were the case.

That's not even counting the fact that Kronos is extremely similar to the greek Chronos, who was the God of Time and father of Zeus in Greek mythology (hence chronometer and other such words). Since he's public domain, I don't think you'd even have the right to trademark any kind of name close to his.
mystral: That's not even counting the fact that Kronos is extremely similar to the greek Chronos, who was the God of Time and father of Zeus in Greek mythology (hence chronometer and other such words). Since he's public domain, I don't think you'd even have the right to trademark any kind of name close to his.
Oi, the father of Zeus was Κρόνος, so the english spelling would be either Kronos or Cronus. If he was time, he would be Χρόνος, since the greek χ is usually written as ch in english. Plus, Kronos wasn't god of time.
yyahoo: Yeah, but isn't Kronos the "English" spelling? Regardless, they'd be better off at least changing the spelling to have it maybe begin with a "C" instead...
mystral: That's ridiculous, you know.
Unless they specifically trademarked that name, everyone else has the right to use it. Just because a well-known IP used a certain name for a character or a location doesn't mean no one else can, unless it's a very recognizable one. We'd quickly run out of usable names if that were the case.

That's not even counting the fact that Kronos is extremely similar to the greek Chronos, who was the God of Time and father of Zeus in Greek mythology (hence chronometer and other such words). Since he's public domain, I don't think you'd even have the right to trademark any kind of name close to his.
Just because something is ridiculous doesn't put it past a large corporation doing it. If Apple can patent rounded corners, Paramount can sue over Kronos. This is especially true in situations like this where it's big entity against small entity. Just the process of defending a baseless suit can be monetarily draining. That's all I'm saying...
ZivilSword: Yes, the plan and pre-alphas are more than seven years old. They sure have refined it over the years. Also it was initially planned as a 2D-iso game, but now it will be 3D with iso view – much better. You still can see older screenshots here: (summer 2006!)

The DRM free part is nice, I hope they will get a start on GOG, since the reception is already very good.
It's such a shame the original project never moved beyond the prototype stage, those sprites looked downright terrific.
Luckily, the "reborn" version seems to be equally impressive with its faithful recreation of the prototype's art style and lavish attention to detail.

Lest I forget - here's the "Kickstarter campaign video" in a youtube'd form.
Post edited March 20, 2013 by Phaidox
yyahoo: Just because something is ridiculous doesn't put it past a large corporation doing it. If Apple can patent rounded corners, Paramount can sue over Kronos.
Haha, they should try … here in Germany we don’t have ridiculous patent laws or horrendous amounts of compensation money. :-p The worst that may happen is a restraint of using the game’s subtitle in USA, but I doubt even that.
Just checked out the KS page. Looking very nice. This may be one of the very few KS projects that may be worth backing for me. I love this kind of TBS (and good TBS, in general). A Battle Isle/Advance Wars kind of game is definitely hard to resist. :)
Maybe too early? ;)
Absolutely not, I'd love to see it here.
Voted. :)