keeveek: In DA:O ? Freeze the fuckers, flame the fuckers (it makes a combo), attack them with swords, repeat. You couldn't even make a different mage or warrior mostly, because upgrading your character was so vastly limited.
There was even a video on YT somewhere, where one guy finished the game only using flame/freeze combo through entire game.
There's no freeze/flame combo. There are 4 fire spells (flame blast, fireball, fire weapons and inferno), and 4 frost spells (cone of cold, winter's grasp, ice weapons and blizzard), and none of them interact in a combo. I KNOW this because I just finished the game as a mage.
And you're definably wrong, you CAN make very different mages and warriors (warriors less so). You can opt for a debuffer mage, a support mage, a nuker mage, a melee arcane warrior or a healer, at the very least.
HOWEVER! Yes, DA: O is a very easy game, even on nightmare difficulty.
BG 1 was hard, I'll agree (tactical? Not really, imo). BG2? Not really. I destroyed most of the game as a dual classed kensai/mage who basically plowed thru everything. The only "hard" part was when I was a "low level mage" during the period where I was "leveling" my mage levels to go over the fighter levels. Note that this was w/o playing throne of bhaal, just shadows of amn, I got bored of ToB everytime after 1/2 an hour of slogging through it.
SimonG: . But I heard that the difficulty on the PC is higher than on consoles. Can't find proof right now however.
Its harder, I think it was mentioned on the wiki that quite a lot of items were superior on the console versions (the wiki has 2 stats on the items, the lower value one was the PC version's stats). Tomes also gave 1 extra attribute point.