Posted July 28, 2012

"Q: Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition costs more than the iPad and Android versions! What are you tryin' to pull here, ya palooka?
A: The PC and Mac versions of BG:EE have all of the content that we've created for the game, along with all of the enhancements to the base game. The iPad and Android versions have some of the new content held back as in-app purchases. If you purchase all of the extra content on iPad and Android, the end price matches up to the PC and Mac versions."
It's still a cash grab, but the base iPad game costs 9.99, same as on GOG. They just don't realize that their shitty new content is about as valuable as fan fiction and not worth anything close to what they're charging for it.
I can't help but think about BG II when they mention this content. (even thoguh the announced content is for the first one at the moment) Will being a blackguard give you a different stronghold quest in BGII? (as opposed to the preexisting strongholds such as the thieves guild, castle, or magic sphere stronghold) Would picking a deep gnome, grey dwarf, or dark elf character change the underdark section of BG II in any meaningful way? If they are adding new characters to BGI, what will they do for BGII? Will they let you recruit some of the BGI characters that you couldn't in BG II? (you know, the ones who got killed off or reduced to cameos)
I don't doubt that there are a lot of things that could be done to 'enhance' BG I+II, but I do wonder how extensive these enhancements are, especially if a fair portion of it can potentially be insubstantial enough that it can be reduced to optional DLC content, and the only other noticable change to the plot amounts to essentially a rehash of the Watcher's Keep side quest.