Posted June 22, 2010
The beast is alive and she hungers for your soul!
As a test and because I didn't want to be sucked into a new game at 4am, I loaded up Crysis which my laptop could play at maybe 10-15fps on minimum detail at 1024x768. I cranked it up to maximum detail at a resolution of 1920x1080 and ran it with 4x antialiasing and it ran like a dream. I chucked it up to 16xQ antialiasing and it made no difference at all to the performance. It also made almost no difference to the visuals so I doubt I'll run many games with the AA that high, its just not worth the extra power consumption.
Now I have to decide what to try next, Metro 2033 which is the newest I have, DoW2 which I always wanted to run better or Empire Total War which was the first game that I knew I just couldn't buy for my previous gaming system because 1fps strategy isn't as fun as it sounds. Or maybe load up DOSBox and play Red Storm Rising...
According to 3dmark, my ePeen is P21753 3DMarks which is 1/3 of the best system they have records of and that bastard has 4 bloody GTX480s and a cpu that cost 4 times what mine did.
As you can see in the pics, my cable routing could have done with more work but I have giant hands with thick cables in a relatively tight case (had to remove the rear case fan to have room to plug in the secondary mobo power).
It still bugs me that my speakers are white, they stick out like a sore thumb and I can't avoid thinking about it now that I've noticed it. Still for 11 year old equipment they work brilliantly well.
Overall, I'm impressed with the new system and I'm sure that your envy will sustain me for quite a while. Mwahahaha
As a test and because I didn't want to be sucked into a new game at 4am, I loaded up Crysis which my laptop could play at maybe 10-15fps on minimum detail at 1024x768. I cranked it up to maximum detail at a resolution of 1920x1080 and ran it with 4x antialiasing and it ran like a dream. I chucked it up to 16xQ antialiasing and it made no difference at all to the performance. It also made almost no difference to the visuals so I doubt I'll run many games with the AA that high, its just not worth the extra power consumption.
Now I have to decide what to try next, Metro 2033 which is the newest I have, DoW2 which I always wanted to run better or Empire Total War which was the first game that I knew I just couldn't buy for my previous gaming system because 1fps strategy isn't as fun as it sounds. Or maybe load up DOSBox and play Red Storm Rising...
According to 3dmark, my ePeen is P21753 3DMarks which is 1/3 of the best system they have records of and that bastard has 4 bloody GTX480s and a cpu that cost 4 times what mine did.
As you can see in the pics, my cable routing could have done with more work but I have giant hands with thick cables in a relatively tight case (had to remove the rear case fan to have room to plug in the secondary mobo power).
It still bugs me that my speakers are white, they stick out like a sore thumb and I can't avoid thinking about it now that I've noticed it. Still for 11 year old equipment they work brilliantly well.
Overall, I'm impressed with the new system and I'm sure that your envy will sustain me for quite a while. Mwahahaha