Posted July 07, 2011
Just thought I would share an experience of what I'm going thru currently, not a big deal, but since this is "sale" time of the year with Digital Downloads cheaper than ever with things like Steam, D2D, GOG, and even stuff like Buy 2 Get 1 free at Best Buy just thought I would comment on how you can kind of fall into cluttering yourself up and making yourself unhappy making quick, impulsive purchases and putting yourself under a pile of digital and maybe even real clutter.
A little background, I don't have a ton of stuff, but it has started to drain on me and stress me out seeing all sorts of things I purchased that I bought into what others said on how great it would be to have or what an awesome deal it is that you can't miss on because its only $2 or $3 - or so on - and it adds up. In the end I ended up with about 70 games from a well known DD service totally about $90 or so - and I played all of about 2 games overall seriously, and a few others for a limited amount of time. Maybe I would enjoy every one of them, but when I opened up that client every time and seeing a list of 70 games and thinking about how much I wasted on games on second thought I really didn't want and how I'm never going to be able to go thru them all just stressed me out and made me not want to play anything.
I'm reading thru this pretty good book called 'Clutter Busting' and it makes a lot of great points about how you can let others put value on things and make you think you have to have them - and then if the item isn't something that is either a useful tool to you or something you have fun with - all it does is add to your clutter. And if you're making a decision purchasing something when you're in an unhappy state of mind from you're other clutter - that thing isn't going to make you any happier. I'm going thru stuff right now - old CD's, books, DVD's, and so on thinking 'when is the last time I even listened or used this? when will I ever use it?' I've already traded about 20 or so books in at a local used store for credit, got rid of a careful of old computer/electronics parts to an e-recycling place, and going thru sorting various CD's and DVD's to put them up for sell. Oh and gave away that certain DD account to a friend who might be able to use it - no matter how much I spent on it, it wasn't providing me any pleasure.
As of right now I'm down to about all of 5 games digital games - 4 GOG (one given free thru GOG that I really don't want to play - yet :P) and an indie title I put a ton of hours into I wanted to purchase from the makers of since I enjoyed it. I'm not saying to anyone here, don't buy this game or that game. Maybe you can buy 200 games and get something out of each and every one of them - or if you're like me, even one game you're not using is too many. Just a word of warning to those here going Steam or any other version of game crazy - ask yourself - what will I do if I buy this game? Would I jump in and enjoy it, or would it just go into a dozen or more game backlog that you have no intention of ever even starting and just causes you more stress and adds to your clutter? If so, then no matter if its $1 and a 99% off sale - it's not worth the trouble.
For those who went thru my whole story, thanks for reading. :P
A little background, I don't have a ton of stuff, but it has started to drain on me and stress me out seeing all sorts of things I purchased that I bought into what others said on how great it would be to have or what an awesome deal it is that you can't miss on because its only $2 or $3 - or so on - and it adds up. In the end I ended up with about 70 games from a well known DD service totally about $90 or so - and I played all of about 2 games overall seriously, and a few others for a limited amount of time. Maybe I would enjoy every one of them, but when I opened up that client every time and seeing a list of 70 games and thinking about how much I wasted on games on second thought I really didn't want and how I'm never going to be able to go thru them all just stressed me out and made me not want to play anything.
I'm reading thru this pretty good book called 'Clutter Busting' and it makes a lot of great points about how you can let others put value on things and make you think you have to have them - and then if the item isn't something that is either a useful tool to you or something you have fun with - all it does is add to your clutter. And if you're making a decision purchasing something when you're in an unhappy state of mind from you're other clutter - that thing isn't going to make you any happier. I'm going thru stuff right now - old CD's, books, DVD's, and so on thinking 'when is the last time I even listened or used this? when will I ever use it?' I've already traded about 20 or so books in at a local used store for credit, got rid of a careful of old computer/electronics parts to an e-recycling place, and going thru sorting various CD's and DVD's to put them up for sell. Oh and gave away that certain DD account to a friend who might be able to use it - no matter how much I spent on it, it wasn't providing me any pleasure.
As of right now I'm down to about all of 5 games digital games - 4 GOG (one given free thru GOG that I really don't want to play - yet :P) and an indie title I put a ton of hours into I wanted to purchase from the makers of since I enjoyed it. I'm not saying to anyone here, don't buy this game or that game. Maybe you can buy 200 games and get something out of each and every one of them - or if you're like me, even one game you're not using is too many. Just a word of warning to those here going Steam or any other version of game crazy - ask yourself - what will I do if I buy this game? Would I jump in and enjoy it, or would it just go into a dozen or more game backlog that you have no intention of ever even starting and just causes you more stress and adds to your clutter? If so, then no matter if its $1 and a 99% off sale - it's not worth the trouble.
For those who went thru my whole story, thanks for reading. :P
Post edited July 07, 2011 by GOCARDSGO32